Frequency Data Is Useless Without A Timeframe.

Length of time that passed before initiating a behavioral response


Frequency data is useless without a timeframe.


Fred is working with Ricky to decrease ranting behavior (defined as high volume rapid speech containing curse words and complaints). The best way to measure this would most likely be

??? Duration

Length of time a behavior occurred


Rate and frequency counts require ___________________ behaviors.


Whole interval recording provides an underestimate of behavior.


Madelyn observed her client and marks an interval box if the behavior occurs at any point during the interval. Madelyn is using

Partial Interval Recording

The most conservative estimate of behavior is provided by the discontinuous data collection method known as

??? Not partial

How much time passed between iterations of the same behavior.

Inter-response time

Momentary Time Sampling for groups


Celeste observes her client and marks whether or not a behavior is occurring at the end of a designated interval. Celeste is using

Momentary Time Sampling

Frequency and rate are the same thing.

People argue about this

Discontinuous data collection requires


Scatterplots are used to determine

The time distribution of a behavior

In partial interval data collection, the behavior must occur for the duration of a time interval.


Valid data MUST be reliable


Graphing is required, but RBTs have a great deal of flexibility about how to set up their graphs to best show the data.


Graphs provide clarity for making decisions about treatment.


The title of a graph should always be centered at the top.


The size of a graph should be adjusted to emphasize change in the behavior.


It is a good idea to crop unimportant data out of your graph.


When adding explanatory text to a graph, where should it go?

Inside the plot area

In which of the following types of graph is it acceptable to use color?

Color is never to be used.

If a client has an extraordinary day with a high rate of behavior that is not likely to be repeated in the future, you do not have to adjust the y-axis to accommodate it.


A major condition change line is a solid vertical line.


Jim watches his client and marks a box if the behavior of interest is displayed throughout the observed interval. Ed is using

Whole Interval Recording

The x-axis of a line chart represents


A teacher suspects that students who can say all of their multiplication facts in under two minutes perform better on three-digit by two-digit division. What type of graph would be useful for determining if this is true?

??? Bar Chart

Preference assessments and reinforcer assessments are NOT the same thing.


In a _________________________ preference assessment, the individual is allowed to approach any stimulus desired and interact with it for as long as they want.

Free Operant

In single stimulus preference assessments, children are given free access to a room full of toys, but must choose only one to play with.


To get the best results from a preference assessment, be sure to include items the person has never seen.


In this preference assessment, children have access to a variety of toys and can interact with one or more as they choose.

Free Operant

The data collection method for free operant preference assessments is

Partial Interval

The preference assessment method in which children are presented with one item at a time.

Single Stimulus

The data collection method for single stimulus preference assessment


In which of the following preference assessments is the individual only allowed to choose each item one time?

Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement

The end product of a Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement preference assessment is items scoring based on _______________________________________________________.

Rank Ordering

Multiple Stimulus with Replacement is a hybrid of Multiple Stimulus without Replacement and Paired Stimulus preference assessments.


Multiple Stimulus with Replacement scored by rank ordering.


Which of the following preference assessments usually takes the longest to administer?

Paired Stimulus

Preferences are subject to satiation effects, while reinforcers are not.


Reinforcer assessments are a specific form of

Single Subject Design

Stimuli are types of

Antecedents & Consquences

Discrete Trial Training consists of massed trials of stimulus - response - reinforcement.


Discrete Trials are usually presented at a slower pace so that the child with Autism has enough time to process what is being asked.


DTT sessions usually expose the child to only one question repeatedly to ensure correct responding.


Endurance is shaped by gradually changing _______________ requirements in shaping procedures.


Shaping is a procedure that is used for

behavior reduction & skill acquisition

It is acceptable to change two components of a single behavior in one shaping schedule.


The term "successive approximations" refers to the behavior change methodology called


The ultimate goal of prompting is to fade to

natural cues

When teaching children to brush their teeth, we almost always use most-to-least prompting


Least-to-Most prompting follows this sequence: No prompt, gestural prompt, verbal prompt, model, physical prompt.


The most salient question when considering most-to-least vs least-to-most is the degree to which _____________ is likely to negatively impact learning.

Making Errors

Fade within categories of prompts by adjusting


The most intrusive prompt type is the full physical prompt.


Prompt fading plans should include criteria for advancing and ____________________ .


When a behavior is elicited by a stimulus without additional prompts and reinforcers, ________________________ has been attained.

Stimulus Control

Three methods of stimulus control transfer are: prompt fading, stimulus fading, and

Prompt Delay

Time delay may be progressive or _______________________.


Tokens are conditioned reinforcers.


The basic elements of a token economy include target behaviors, token schedule, reinforcer menu, and ____________________ .

Spending Rules

Antecedent-based approaches usually provide more rapid effects than consequence -based approaches.


Extinction of automatically reinforced behavior may include use of special materials that block access to the body.


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