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Name The Highlighted Vessel

The brachial artery has two terminal branches. Name one of them

ulnar arteries

Identify the highlighted vessel

great saphenous vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

superficial palmar arch

Identify the highlighted vessel


Identify the highlighted vessel

coronary sinus

Identify the highlighted vessel

inferior vena cava

Identify the highlighted vessel

left gastric artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

inferior mesenteric artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

middle cardiac vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

renal vein

Is the mitral valve closed during atrial systole or, during ventricular systole

ventricular systole

Identify the highlighted structures

cardiac muscle cells

Identify the highlighted cell


Identify the highlighted vessel

external iliac vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

external iliac artery

Identify the highlighted structure

venous valve

Identify the highlighted vessel

straight sinus

Identify the highlighted vessel

azygos vein

Identify the highlighted cell


Identify the highlighted structure

right auricle

Identify the highlighted vessel

subclavian vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

external jugular vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

superior vena cava

The image shows the vasculature of the pelvis, with the urinary bladder already labeled. Identify the highlighted vessel.

internal iliac artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

great saphenous vein

The highlighted structure is a remnant of which structure in the fetus

ductus arteriosus

Identify the highlighted structure

tunica externa of artery

Identify the highlighted structure

red blood cell

Identify the highlighted structure.

pulmonary trunk

The superior sagittal sinus is contained within what structure of the dura matter

falx cerebri

Identify the highlighted cell


Identify the highlighted vessel

external carotid artery

The internal jugular vein joins with which vein to form the brachiocephalic vein

subclavian vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

basilic vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

middle cardiac vein

The celiac trunk has 3 branches. Name one of them

left gastric artery

Name the molecule in the red blood cell that carries oxygen


Identify the highlighted vessel

posterior intercostal vein

Identify the highlighted blood vessel and name the highlighted layer

tunica media of vein

The renal artery supplies blood to what organ?


Identify the highlighted vessel

superior mesenteric artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

left brachiocephalic vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

axillary vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

superior vena cava

Identify the highlighted vessel

internal thoracic artery

Identify the highlighted structure

tunica media

Identify the highlighted vessel

left pulmonary artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

superior vena cava

Identify the highlighted vessel

left renal vein

Which layer of an elastic artery contains the largest amount of elastic fibers?

tunica media

The vertebral arteries unite to form which other vessel?

basilar artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

axillary artery

Identify the highlighted structure


Identify the highlighted vessel

posterior tibial artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

radial artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

basilic vein

Identify the highlighted structure

red blood cell

The inferior vena cava returns blood from the body to which chamber of the heart?

right atrium

The terminal end of the abdominal aorta branches into the right and left ________

common iliac arteries

Identify the highlighted vessel

descending aorta

Identify the highlighted vessel

brachiocephalic trunk

Identify the highlighted structure

tunica media of artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

brachiocephalic trunk

Name the cell from which the highlighted cell fragment is formed


Identify the highlighted vessel

common hepatic artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

superior mesenteric artery

The femoral artery is a continuation of what artery?

external iliac artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

subclavian artery

Identify the highlighted structure


Identify the highlighted vessel

small saphenous vein

Identify the highlighted structure

interatrial septum

Identify the highlighted cell


Identify the highlighted structures

intercalated discs

The highlighted vein drains into which vessel?

superior vena cava

Identify the highlighted structure

left ventricle

The hepatic portal vein supplies nutrient-rich and deoxygenated blood to what organ?


Identify the highlighted vessel

external jugular vein

Identify the highlighted structure

aortic semilunar valve

Is the highlighted cell a granulocyte or is it an agranulocyte?


Identify the highlighted structures

chordae tendineae

Identify the highlighted vessel

inferior mesenteric artery

Identify the highlighted structure


Identify the highlighted vessel

pulmonary trunk

Identify the highlighted vessels

brachiocephalic vein

Identify the highlighted vessels

transverse sinuses

Identify the highlighted vessel

renal artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

external carotid artery

Identify the highlighted structure

left atrium

Identify the highlighted vessel

right coronary artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

small cardiac vein

Identify the highlighted structure

right ventricle

Identify the highlighted vessel

ulnar artery

Name the highlighted artery above the knee.

popliteal artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

anterior interventricular artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

inferior vena cava

The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from three vessels. Identify one of these.

superior vena cava

Identify the highlighted vessel

axillary artery

Identify the highlighted vessel

internal jugular vein

Identify the highlighted vessel

pulmonary trunk

Identify the highlighted structure

tunica intima

Identify the highlighted structure

interventricular septum

Do pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated or deoxygenated blood?

deoxygenated blood

Identify the highlighted vessel

median cubital vein

The femoral vein becomes what vessel on it's way back to the heart?

right external iliac vein