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Select The Key Innovations In Animal Evolution.

Common characteristics of animals include:

- Multicellularity, heterotrophic, sexual reproduction, missing cell walls

Select the Key innovations in animal evolution

-Symmetry, Segmentation, Body Cavity, Tissues, Various Patterns or Embryonic Development

The only animals that lack any form of body symmetry are

- sponges

Choose the statement that most accurately describes the presence of tissues in animals

- specialized tissues are found in all animals except sponges

All animals descend from a common ancestor and are therefore

- monophyletic

The five key innovations in animal evolution include tissues, a body ____________, various patterns of embryonic development, segmentation, and ______________.

- cavity
- symmetry

Which of the following accurately describes the pseudocoelom?

- It is a body cavity that develops embryo logically between the mesoderm and endoderm

All animals exhibit some form of body symmetry except

- sponges

Animals that undergo embryonic development where the embryonic blastopore develops to become the animal's mouth are

- protostomes

In all animals except ____________, cells differentiate into specialized ___________ which are groups of cells that take on particular functions in the animals body.

- sponges
- tissues

Which of the following refers to a type of body plan where an animal's body is divided into nearly identical units.

- Segmented body plan

Which of the following best explains why animals are considered monophyletic?

- They have a common ancestor

True or False: As molecular data has become widely available most of what was previously known about the deep relationships of animal phyla to each other has been proven wrong.

- False

Protostomes are animals in which the embryonic blastopore becomes the

- mouth

Animals that lack a cowlings do not form a monophyletic clade; therefore,

- animals classification cannot be based on whether or not an animal has a coelom

Which of the following accurately describes animals with a segmented body plan?

- The animals body is divided into nearly identical units

Protostomes van be divided into two clades. Select the two correct groups.

- Lophotrochozoa
- Ecdysozoa

Which of the following is most true regarding molecular and traditional analysis of phylogenies?

- Though there are differences between the two phylogenies, there is much agreement in the deep parts of the evolutionary tree.

Based on ample evidence, the echinoderms and chordates form a monophyletic clade calles the

- deuterostomes

Which of the following are common animal characteristics

- Hererotrophic
- Locomotion
- Sexual Reproduction
- Locomotion

Noncoelomate invertebrates, such as sponges and jellyfish, and noncoelomate worms, are evolutionary important because of which of the following statements?

- They possesses the basic animal body plan from which of the body plan of all other animals evolved

Protestemos can be divided into clades; ____________________ and _______________.

- lophotrochozoans
- ecdysozoans

Which of the following phyla belong to the Deuterostomes?

- Echinoderms
- Chordates

Which of the following statements about sponges is true?

- They are multicellular but do not have true tissues

A body cavity called the ________________ develops in an animal embryo between the mesoderm and endoderm

- pseudocoelm

What are the flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water from through the ostia called?

- Choanocytes

Most sponges are

- asymmetrical

Noncoelomate invertebrates, such as sponges and jellyfish, and noncoelomate worms, are evolutionarily important because of which of the following statements?

- They possesses the basic animal body plan from which the body plan of all other animals evolved

Why can't we base animal classification on whether or not an animal has a coelom?

- Because the a pelo mate and pseudocoelomate conditions have evolved multiple time

Which of the following describes asexual reproduction in sponges?

- A sponge can break into fragments and each fragment can become an individual

Most sponges do not have a definite _____________ and do not possess tissues

- symmetry

Which of the following statements about sponges is true?

- They are multicellular but do not have true tissues

Despite their simplicity, the appearance of noncoelomate invertebrates was very important- these organisms possesses the basic animal body ________, from which that of all other animals evolved

- plan

What organisms are included in the phylum Ctenophora?

- Comb jellies

What are the flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water flow through the ostia called?

- Choanocytes

Sponges can reproduce _______________ simply by breaking into fragments, each of which continues to grow as a new individual

- asexually

Which of the following are characteristics of cnidarians?

- They are made of distinct tissues
- They are diploblastic
- They have radial symmetry

In contrast to aparatos, the ____________ includes all animals that have true tissues and body symmetry

- Eumetazoa

Which of the following statements best describes sponges?

- Sponges have several types of cells tat perform different functions

Most cnidarians exist as two different body forms: the ____________ and the _____________.

- polyp
- medusa

Comb jellies make up the phylum ________.


What Cnidarian form is characterized by a cylindrical body with a mouth sorrow fed by tentacles at the end of the cylinder opposite where it is attached to substrate or colonial tissue?

- Polyp

Members of what phylum are characterized by a diploblastic, radially symmetrical body plan and, while not having organs and organ system, possess distinct tissues?

- Cnidaria

The _______________ form of cnidarians is free-swimming and umbrella-shaped, with a mouth on the concave underside that is surrounded by ______________.

- medusa
- tentacles

What clade includes all animals that have true tissues and body symmetry

- Eumetazoa

True or False: The two different body forms of cnidarians are different in almost all aspects of their shape and function.

- False

Which of the following accurately describes the number of body forms exhibited by most cnidarians?

- Two

The polyp form of cnidarians has a tubular body with a __________ that is surrounded by ___________.

- Mouth
- Tentacles

What are the flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water flow through the ostia called?

- Choanocytes

Which term refers to the unique stinging intercellular structures of cnidarians?

- Nematocysts

In cnidarians, what is a medusa?

- The free swimming form that is a umbrella shaped with a mouth on the concave underside, surrounded by tentacles

Cnidarians use _______________ in prey capture and defense

- Nematocysts

Which of the following is true of the two body forms found in cnidarians?

-they share the same basic morphology mouth, gastrovascular cavity, and tentacles.

The largest class of _________________ is Anthozoa

- Cnidarian

The _______________ cavity of cnidarians of digestion, gas exchange, waste discharge, and, in many species, gamete formation.

- Gastrovascular

In what capacities do nematocysts function?

- Prey capture
- Defense

What cnidarian class contains solitary or colonial polyps with hollow tentacle and mesenterios that compartmentalizations the gastrovascular cavity?

- Anthozoa

Within phylum Cnidaria, the class that includes the most species is ________________.

- Anthozoa

Stony corals, sea anemones, sea fans, sea whips, sea pansies, and sea pens are all members of what class in phylum Cnidaria?

- Anthozoa

Which of the following are carried out in the gastrovascular space of cnidarians?

- Digestion
- Gamete production (most species)
- Gas exchange
- Waste discharge

Hard coral secrete ______________ of calcium carbonate around themselves. These animals can form coral reefs u shallow water in the tropics, because they contain symbiotic photosynthetic __________________

- Exoskeleton
- Dinoflagellates

Which of the following lies between the epidermis and gastrodermis is if cnidarians?

- Mesoglea

Which term refers to the unique stinging intercellular structures of cnidarians?

- Nematocysts

Select characteristics of the mesoglea of cnidarians.

- Can contain many cells
- Can be acellular
- Found between the epidermis and the gastrodermis

This group of animals is characterized by a transition to bilateral symmetry.

- Bilateria

The unique stinging intracellular structures that assist a typical cnidarian in defense and prey capture are known as ________________.

- Nematocysts

As their name implies, flatworms in the Phylum Acoela lack ____________.

- Coeloms

What cnidarian class contains solitary or colonial polyps with hollow tentacles and mesenterios that compartmentalizations the gastrovascular cavity?

- Anthozoa

How many clades does the Bilateria comprise?

- Two

Choose all characteristics of acoel flatworms.

- They have bilateral symmetry
- Their mouth leads to a solid digestive sincytium
- They don't have a coelom

Which of the following are characteristics of members of class Anthozoa?

- Tentacles hollow
- Compartmentalizations of the gastrovascular cavity by mesenteries

Which of the following are characteristics of hard corals?

- An exoskeleton of calcium carbonate
- Polyp form is dominant
- Symbiotic photosynthetic zooxanthellae