I Hate CBT's

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Too Much Conflict In The Workplace Usually Leads To Apathy.

The conflict process unfolds in a context, and can escalate or de-escalate.


The sources and issues of conflict can be real or imagined


Frederick Taylor recognized the inevitability of conflict and advised managers to learn to live with it.


Too little conflict tends to create apathy, lack of creativity, indecision, and missed deadlines.


Functional conflict is commonly referred to in management circles as constructive or cooperative conflict


Collective decision making is an antecedent of conflict


Individuals who feel undeserving and/or fear the consequences of success often avoid conflict for fear of getting what they want.


According to Tjosvold's model, the three desired outcomes of conflict are avoidance, acceptance, and agreement.


Cross-cultural conflict can be described as interpersonal opposition driven by personal dislikes and/or disagreements.


By definition, personality traits are unstable and prone to change.


Researchers view incivility as a self-perpetuating vicious cycle that can end in violence.


Workplace incivility is defined as high-intensity deviant behavior intended to harm the target person in ways that violate norms of mutual respect.


Early action can prevent a single irritating behavior from precipitating into a full-blown personality conflict.


According to researcher done on workplace incivility, customers who saw employee-to-employee incivility generalized negative behavior to others who work for the organization


Traditionally, managers dealt with personality conflicts by either ignoring them or transferring one party.


In-group thinking that represents a form of ethnocentrism can be a cross-cultural barrier and virtually guarantees conflict.


According to the contact hypothesis, the more the members of different groups interact, the more intergroup conflict they will experience.


A study of over 1,600 ethnic majority (in-group) and ethnic minority (out-group) students revealed that contact had a significant effect on reducing the prejudice of the minority out-group on the majority in-group.


The number one priority for managers faced with intergroup conflict is to identify and root out specific negative linkages among groups


According to Rosalie L. Tung's study of expatriates, the most important way to facilitate interaction with host-country nationals is to be compassionate and understanding.


Work-family conflict can take two distinct forms: work interference with family and family interference with work.


Devil's advocacy is an attempt to synthesize truths by exploring opposite positions.


The dialectic method involves an approach to programmed conflict that is intended to generate reality testing and critical thinking.


A major drawback of the conflict handling style of compromising is that "winning the debate" may overshadow the issue at hand


The primary strength of the integrating style of handling conflict is that it is speedily implemented.


Obliging is an appropriate conflict-handling strategy for resolving complex issues plagued by misunderstanding.


Research on the Rahim scale found that compromising is the best conflict-handling strategy for every situation.


An arbitrator is someone who works for the organization, is widely respected and trusted by his/her coworkers, hears grievances on a confidential basis, and attempts to arrange solutions


Integrative negotiation calls for a progressive win-win strategy.


In added-value negotiation, building relationships for future negotiations usually occurs during the "perfect the deal" step


Which of the following statements about organizational conflict is true?

It can escalate or de-escalate

_____ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.


Who amongst the following initially believed that all conflict ultimately threatens management's authority and thus had to be avoided or quickly resolved?

Scientific management experts

Who recognized the inevitability of conflict and advised managers to learn to live with it?

Human relationists

Work groups, departments, or organizations experiencing too little conflict tend to be plagued by

Lack of creativity

Apathy, lack of creativity, indecision, and missed deadlines are signs of:

Too little conflict

Excessive conflict can erode organizational performance because of:

Lack of teamwork

Workplace aggression and violence can be manifestations of:

Too much conflict

_____ conflict serves organizational interests and is characterized by consultative interactions, a focus on the issues, mutual respect, and useful give and take.


When a conflict threatens an organization's interests, it is referred to as a(n) _____ conflict.


As a manager of a 50-person department, Rhea has always heard that there are certain situations that produce more conflict than others. She is interested in learning about these situations so she can carefully read early warnings and take appropriate actions. Which of the following is NOT an antecedent of conflict?

Organizational simplicity

Group conflict can often be reduced by making decisions on the basis of _____ rather than:

Majority approval; striving for a consensus

Dean Tjosvold's _____ model includes the three desired outcomes of agreement, stronger relationships, and learning.

Cooperative conflict

Which of the following is a desired outcome for success in terms of conflict management?


Tjosvold's cooperative conflict model calls for which of the following desired outcomes?


Interpersonal opposition driven by personal dislike or disagreement is called _____ conflict.


Which of the following is considered to be the seeds of personality conflict?

Workplace incivility

Which of the following does NOT break the vicious cycle of incivility?

Ignoring cycles of incivility

Which of the following is described as the seeds of intergroup conflict?

In-group thinking

Too much _____ can breed groupthink because a desire to get along pushes aside critical thinking.


All of the following are true of in-groups EXCEPT:

in-group members downplay the differences between their group and other groups.

Which of the following have sociologists long recommended for reducing intergroup conflict?

Contact Hypothesis

According to ____, the more the members of different groups interact, the less intergroup conflict they will experience.

Contact hypothesis

Having taken this OB class and learned about how to deal with personality conflict, what tip would you offer an employee having a personality conflict?

Communicate directly with the other person to resolve the perceived conflict.

As operations head whose employees are having a personality conflict, which of the following tips would you offer them?

If appropriate, take corrective action

The top priority for managers faced with intergroup conflict is to:

Identify and root out specific negative linkages among groups

Which of the following actions is recommended for managers to minimize intergroup conflict?

Formal resolution of difficult conflict with the help of hired counselors

According to Rosalie L. Tung's research, which of the following was ranked most useful in building cross-cultural relationships?

Be a good listener

U.S. managers often are culturally characterized as being:

Excessively competitive

Which of the following was identified in Tung's research as a useful way to facilitate interaction with host-country nationals?

Emphasize cooperation rather than competiton

Gary has been sent to China on an important assignment. According to Tung's research, which of the following is the most useful practice to be followed to facilitate interactions with host-country nationals?

Be a good listener

Which of the following is a drawback of organizational response to work-family issues?

Efforts by organizations focus on balancing work-family issues rather than integrating them

What is the main consideration when using devil's advocacy to prevent groupthink in an organization?

It leads to an individual developing a negative reputation

_____ recommended the devil's advocate role for preventing groupthink.

Janis Irving

Conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers is called _____ conflict.


Which of the following calls for managers to foster a structured debate of opposing viewpoints prior to making a decision?


According to Rahim's model, the two dimensions affecting conflict-handling styles are:

Concern for self and concern for others

In handling conflict, Joey believes that the concerned parties must tackle the issue and cooperatively identify the problem, generate and weigh alternative solutions, and select a solution. Joey can be described as advocating which conflict-handling style?


The integrating style of handling conflict is appropriate:

For complex issue plagued by misunderstandings

Which of the following conflict-handling styles is also known as problem solving?


Janice, a team lead, always wants to use the integrating style of handling conflict. As a student of OB, you should caution Janice that this style does have a weakness, which is that it:

Is very time consuming

Which conflict-handling style involves active suppression of the issue?


Which of the following is NOT a conflict-handling style identified by Rahim?


Which of the following styles involves playing down differences while emphasizing commonality?


Which of the following styles has a primary strength of encouraging cooperation, but fails to confront the underlying problem?


If Miriam has high concern for self and low concern for others, she is likely to have which of the following conflict-handling styles?


The _____ style of handling conflict is appropriate when parties have opposite goals or possess equal power.


_____ refers to avoiding costly lawsuits by resolving conflicts informally or through mediation or arbitration.

Alternative dispute resolution

Which of the following is an alternative dispute resolution tactic?

Devil's advocacy

Unlike a(n) ____, a mediator does not render a decision.


In ____, disputing parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of a neutral arbitrator in a formal court-like setting, often complete with evidence and witnesses.


The two basic types of negotiation are _____ and:

Distributive; integration

An integrative negotiation involves a _____ strategy


A give-and-take process between interdependent parties with different preferences is called:


_____ value captures the social and psychological consequences of negotiations, such as the emotions and perceptions of the process, people, and outcomes.
