All Of The Following Are Status Offenses Except
Question: The first juvenile court was established in…
Answer: 1899.
Question: What term means, “In place of the parents”?
Answer: In loco parentis.
Question: What term means, “State as the parent”?
Answer: Parens patriae.
Question: What term means, “The absolute control the father had over his family and the absolute responsibility of the children to obey”?
Answer: Patria postestas.
Question: What was the doctrine that eventually led to the foundation of the juvenile court in America?
Answer: Parens patriae.
Question: The most formative period of a child’s life is:
Answer: Between birth and to age 3.
Question: What is the first institution to affect a child’s behavior?
Answer: Family.
Question: Most people do not know this, but they are allowed to have an _____________ at suspension hearings.
Answer: Attorney.
Question: When the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act was amended in 1980, what was instituted as an exception to the secure confinement of status offenses?
Answer: Valid Court Order.
Question: An offense or conduct that would NOT be a crime if it were committed by an adult:
Answer: Status offense.