All Of The Following Are Steps In Derivative Classification
Question: All of the following are effects of derivative classification EXCEPT:
Answer: Making the initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.
Answer: Revealed by
Question: When working with classified information, contractors generate new documents and materials. Who is responsible for ensuring the new documents are properly marked?
Answer: // The Government Contracting Activity (GCA)
Question: Cleared contractor employees are subject to sanctions for violating any policies in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM).
Answer: True
Question: The only lawful reason to classify information is to protect national security.
Answer: True
Question: Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______
Answer: Extracting
Question: All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:
Answer: Making the initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.
Question: Which of the following statements applies to the classification concept of “Revealed by”?
Answer: //Applies when information is extracted word-for-word, paraphrased, or restated.
Question: A classified document is used as source material for a new document. What is this an example of?
Answer: Derivative classification
Question: All of the following are ways to promote the sharing of information within the Federal government, across state, local, and tribal governments, and with coalition partners, law enforcement, and the general public EXCEPT
Answer: //Carefully use dissemination control markings
//Avoid unnecessary classification Incorrect