All Of The Following Are True Statements About Quakers Except
Question: Colonists in both the North and South established differences in all of the following except:
Patterns of Settlement
B. Economies
C. Political Systems
D. Values
E. Allegiance to England
Answer: E.
Answer: D.
Answer: C.
Question: John Calvin profoundly affected the thought of all the following EXCEPT:
A. Spanish America
B. New England Puritans
C. Scottish Presbyterians
D. French Huguenots
E. The Dutch Reformed Church
Answer: A.
Question: Define each term:
A. Predestination
B. Conversion
C. Antinomianism
Answer: A. Belief that from the moment of creation some souls were “saved” and others were “damned”.
B. The sign of receipt of God’s free gift of saving grace,
C. Belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not obey secular laws. (Man nor God)
Question: In Calvinism thought, the “conversion” was..?
Answer: A personal experience when God revealed an individual’s heavenly destiny.
Question: In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as…?
Answer: “Visible saints”
Question: King James I opposed the Separatists who wanted to break away entirely from the church of England because…?
Answer: He realized if his subjects could deny him as their spiritual leader, they could defy him as their political leader.
Question: The Separatists migrated from Holland to the New World in order to…?
Answer: Avoid the Dutchification of their children.
Question: Match each colony with its associated term:
A. Plymouth
B. Connecticut
C. Massachusetts Bay
1.) General Court
2.) Mayflower Compact
3.) Fundamental Orders
4.) Patroonships
Answer: A-2, B-3, C-1