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All Of The Following Are Used For Genetic Testing Except

Question: A genetic counselor ________.

Answer: Helps patients choose whether or not they will undergo genetic testing, explains the results of genetic tests, and helps patients make their own medical decisions

Question: Pedigrees are useful for ________.

Answer: Discovering patterns of inheritance that may suggest familial disease

Question: A patient with monosomy is most easily diagnosed using what technique?

Answer: A karyotype

Question: Genetic testing includes all of the following except ________.

Answer: All of these are forms of genetic testing

  • Presymptomatic testing

  • - Newborn testing

  • - Carrier testing

  • - Prenatal testing

  • Question: Which of the following diseases, syndromes, or conditions is NOT correctly matched to the genotype or genetic abnormality in humans?

  • Answer: Klinefelter syndrome : XYY for the sex chromosomes

  • Question: The chance of each of two independent events happening are ________ to determine the probability that both events would happen together.

  • Answer: Multiplied by each

  • Question: A testing outcome in which a disease is detected, but the sample/patient in reality does not have the disease is called a ________.

  • Answer: False positive

  • Question: Consider a particular hypothetical case in which the Baysian probability that an unaffected parent is heterozygous for a particular recessive allele is 20% and the other parent has the recessive condition; what is the chance that their first child would have the condition?

  • Answer: 10%

  • Question: A pregnant woman with recessive X-linked hemophilia and whose partner is a normal (non hemophiliac) man wants to know the chances that she will have an affected child. From an ultrasound, she knows that the child is a boy. What are the chances that her son will have hemophilia?

  • Answer: The chance that their son will be affected is 100%

  • Question: Two unaffected parents each have a parent with the same recessive condition and they want to know the chances that they will have a child who has the condition. What do you tell them?

  • Answer: The chance that their child will be affected is 25%