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All Of The Following Characteristics Are Associated With Epithelium Except

Question: All of the following functions are associated with epithelial tissue except:

-generating electrical signals.

-transporting substances to other tissues.

-mechanical and thermal protection.

-secretion of substances.

Answer: Generating electrical substances

Question: Glands that accumulate secretions and release them when the cell membranes ruptures, causing cell death, exhibit:

Answer: holocrine secretion

Question: If a tissue is composed of many fine collagen fibers that are not visible with a light microscope, has no other type of fiber, and has chondrocytes within lacunae, then the tissue is:

Answer: hyaline cartilage

Question: Stratified squamous epithelium would not be found in the:

Answer: intestines

Question: All of the following characteristics are associated with epithelium except:

-it has many tight junctions.

-it is highly regenerative.

-it may form exocrine glands

-it contains blood vessels.

Answer: it contains blood vessels

Question: Simple squamous epithelium is found lining the __________.

Answer: air sacs of lungs

Question: What fibers are common in this tissue?

Answer: both elastic and some collagen

Question: Hyaline cartilage is not found in _______

Answer: the menisci of the knee

Question: Fibrocartilage is found:

Answer: between adjacent vertebrae (intervertebral discs).

Question: Which of the following types of tissue is found in the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver?

Answer: Reticular connective tissue