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All Of The Following Describe The Effects Of Globalization Except

Question: As discussed in the chapter opening case, the Giants new ticketing information systems is an

effort to achieve which of the primary business objectives?

Answer: Improved decision making

Question: Journalist Thomas Friedman’s description of the world as flat referred to:

Answer: the flattening of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries.

Question: The six important business objectives of information system investment include all of the

following except:

Answer: employee morale.

Question: The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of:

Answer: survival.

Question: All of the following choices describe ways for a company to achieve a competitive

advantage, except:

Answer: implementing information systems to support better management decision making.

Question: Verizon’s implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real-

time information, such as customer complaints, is an example of:

Answer: improved decision making.

Question: The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the

information system business objective of:

Answer: survival.

Question: An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that

collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support:

Answer: decision making and control in an organization.

Question: The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use

to control operations are:

Answer: input, processing, and output.

Question: All of the following describe the effects of globalization except:

Answer: increases in transaction costs.