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All Of The Following Except

Question: All of the following statements about the Bauhaus movement are accurate except that it

Answer: Combined expressionism and cubism to form surrealism

Question: Challenges to the centrality of rational thought to understand the human condition came from all of the following philosophers except

Answer: Wittgenstein

Question: Friedrich Nietzsche maintained all the following except that

Answer: Religious belief provided stability in an absurd world

Question: All of the following artistic styles emerged in the age of uncertainty except

Answer: Impressionism

Question: The political stability of the mid-to-late 1920s was due to all of the following except the

Answer: Munich agreement

Question: Which of the following was not a cause of the Great Depression?

Answer: Unemployment

Question: Hitler’s Mein Kampf included all of the following basics themes except

Answer: Land reform

Question: The newer comparative studies of fascism identify all of the following as shared characteristics except

Answer: Alliance with working-class movements

Question: The grand alliance was cemented by all of the following policies except

Answer: The decision to exclude France from the alliance

Question: Hitler’s popularity was based on all of the following except

Answer: His establishment of equality for women