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All Of The Following Factors Help Stabilize Populations Except

Question: world population growth increased rapidly due to all of the following factors EXCEPT?

Answer: political unrest

Question: Economist Julian Simon believed that people are the “ultimate resource” and that increases in population growth would result in

Answer: new resources

Question: The study of human population characteristics, such as age structure, demographic transition, total fertility, human population and environmental relationships, death-rate factors, and standard of living is known as

Answer: human demography

Question: all of the following factors help stabilize populations EXCEPT

Answer: increased fertility rates have risen nearly everywhere in the world over the past half-century.

Question: The world human population reached 1 billion in about

Answer: 1800

Question: Historically, up until the Middle Ages, populations were mostly limited by

Answer: diseases, famine and war.

Question: the doubling time for a population with an annual growth rate of 0.07 is

Answer: 1000 years

Question: “On an island in the South Pacific, there is a population of 1,000 south pacific splendor birds. There is no immigration or emigration but there are 40 births and 20 deaths per year”

The annual percentage rate of this population is

Answer: 2.0%

Question: “On an island in the South Pacific, there is a population of 1,000 south pacific splendor birds. There is no immigration or emigration but there are 40 births and 20 deaths per year”

The doubling time for the population of South Pacific Splendor Birds would be

Answer: 35 years

Question: Technological optimists argue that technological advances have

Answer: proven Malthus wrong in his predication of famine and disaster.