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All Of These Are Complications Of Obesity Surgery Except

Question: The set-point theory states that the body’s regulatory controls will maintain the body weight over time and resist efforts to lose weight by dieting.

Answer: True

Question: A measure of energy output taken while a person is awake but relaxed is called the _____.

Answer: resting metabolic rate

Question: What is the energy density of a burger that weighs 100 grams and provides 240 calories?

Answer: 2.40 cal/g

Question: You go to a movie theater after eating dinner and smell popcorn in the concession stand. Although you are full, you start salivating, your stomach grumbles, and you end up buying a bag of popcorn. To what can you attribute this eating decision?

Answer: Sensory influence

Question: All of these are complications of obesity surgery except:



-high blood pressure


-low blood glucose

Answer: High Blood Pressure

Question: White adipose tissue is considered to be the heat-generating tissue of animals.

Answer: False

Question: Kevin has a BMI of 28.5. How many calories should he eliminate from his diet every day to achieve weight loss?

Answer: 600 calories

Question: Identify the food that is a rich source of the protein gluten.

-Wheat bread

-Rice cake

-Mashed potato

-Tapioca pudding

-Boiled egg

Answer: Wheat Bread

Question: You are weighing the players of a football team, and based on their BMI values they appear to be obese. What would you conclude based on the above data?

Answer: Their high muscle mass is probably responsible for the elevated scale weights

Question: Foods that are high in _____ often lead to weight gain.

Answer: energy density