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All Of These Are Personality Traits Of Entrepreneurs Except

Question: A business classified as a Small Business is based on the “size standard” which:

Answer: is based on either number of employees or annual revenue based on the industry.

Question: 99% of all U.S. business is made up of:

Answer: Small business.

Question: Creativity, vision, and ________ are the elements without which there is not entrepreneurial venture according to the author.

Answer: an ability to identify opportunities.

Question: The author states that this trait is missing from the Merriam Webster definition of an entrepreneur “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise”:

Answer: initiative.

Question: Attracting talent, investors, and ________ is typical of Builders.

Answer: customers.

Question: Careers choices, including becoming an entrepreneur, depends on:

Answer: an individual’s values and priorities.

Question: The most important quality a entrepreneur can have to start a business according to startup expert Anne Dwane is:

Answer: adaptability.

Question: Carol Denbow is cited by the author in stating this as the primary reason for small business failure:

Answer: Lack of planning.

Question: Owning your own small business has this as the biggest advantage:

Answer: the freedom to choose your business’s purpose and goals.

Question: According to the SBA list of steps to do when starting a new business, market research is the first task. The two areas that should be the focus of that research are:

Answer: Market and competitive.