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All Organisms Possess A Genetic System That Is Based On

Question: Biology

Answer: In the broadest sense, biology is the study of living things- the science of life

Question: The 6 kingdoms of life

Answer: Biologists assign all living things to 6 major categories called kingdoms. Each kingdom is profoundly different from the others.







Question: Archaea

Answer: The kingdom of prokaryotes (simple cells that do not have nuclei) includes this methanogen, which manufactures methane

Question: Bacteria

Answer: This group is the second of the prokaryotic kingdoms. Shown here are purple sulfur bacteria, which are able to convert light energy into chemical energy

Question: Protista

Answer: Most of the unicellular eukaryotes (those whose cells contain a nucleus) are grouped into this kingdom, and so are the multicellular algae pictured here

Question: Fungi

Answer: This kingdom contains nonphotosynthetic organisms, mostly multicellular, that digest their food externally, such as mushrooms.

Question: Plantae

Answer: This kingdom contains photosynthetic multicellular organisms that are primarily terrestrial, such as flowering plants.

Question: Animelia

Answer: Organisms in this kingdom are nonphotosynthetic multicellular organisms that digest their food internally, such as a ram.

Question: Cellular organization

Answer: all living things are composed of one or more cells. A cell is a tiny compartment with a thin covering called a membrane. Some cells have simple interiors, while others are completely unorganized, but all are able to grow and reproduce. A human body contains about 10-100 trillion centimeters

Question: Metabolism

Answer: all living things use energy. Moving, growing, thinking… The transfer of energy from one form to another in cells is an example of metabolism