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All Organisms That Photosynthesize Fit Into Which Nutritional Category

Question: Animal life underwent its greatest diversification during the ____, which began about ___ million years ago

  1. Cambrian 540

  2. 2. Mesozoic 245

  3. 3. Permian 290

  4. 4. Carboniferous 363

  5. Answer: 1. Cambrian 540

  6. Question: Land was first colonized about ___years ago

  7. 1. 100 million

  8. 2. 500 million

  9. 3. 1.7 Billion

  10. 4. 2.5 billion

  11. Answer: 2. 500 million

  12. Question: Which prokaryotic group is most closely related to eukaryotes?

  13. 1. Protista

  14. 2. Bacteria

  15. 3. Archaea

  16. 4. Bacteria and Archaea are equally closely related

  17. Answer: 3. archaea

  18. Question: The prokaryotic group that tens to inhabit extreme environments belongs to the ___

  19. 1. Bacteria

  20. 2. Archaea

  21. 3. Monera

  22. 4. Protista

  23. Answer: 2. Archaea

  24. Question: Bacilli are ____ prokaryotes

  25. 1. rod-shaped

  26. 2. comma-shaped

  27. 3. spiral

  28. 4. spherical

  29. Answer: 1. rod-shaped

  30. Question: Prokaryotes reproduce by means of ___

  31. 1. mitosis

  32. 2. binary fission

  33. 3. budding

  34. 4. meiosis

  35. Answer: 2. Binary fission

  36. Question: Under ideal conditions, prokaryotes are capable of reproducing at a(n)____ rate

  37. 1. exponential

  38. 2. arithmetic

  39. 3. hypergeometric

  40. 4. infinite

  41. Answer: 1. exponential

  42. Question: you discover a prokaryotes that can make its own food in the absence of light. Nutritionally you would classify this prokaryote as ___

  43. 1. photoheterotroph

  44. 2. chemoheterotroph

  45. 3. Photoautotroph

  46. 4. Chemoautotroph

  47. Answer: 4. chemoautotroph

  48. Question: All organisms that photosynthesize fit into which nutritional category

  49. 1. photoautotrophs

  50. 2. chemoautotrophs

  51. 3. chemoheterotrophs

  52. 4. photoheterotrophs

  53. Answer: 1. photoautotrophs

  54. Question: Eukaryotes that are not fungi, animals, or plants are classified in a “catch-all” category called

  55. 1. bacteria

  56. 2. archaea

  57. 3. protists

  58. 4. seaweeds

  59. Answer: 3. protists