I Hate CBT's

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A Result Of Us Foreign Aid In Sudan Was

A result of US foreign aid in Sudan was

better relations with its neighbors.
the creation of South Sudan.
lower prices for US goods in Sudan.
higher prices for Sudanese goods in the United States.

not a

Economic sanctions against foreign governments sometimes

hurt foreign citizens.
lead to civil wars.
hurt the UN.
violate international law.


A potential negative result of trade agreements is

job loss.
higher tariffs.


Economic sanctions are mainly used to

protect domestic industries from international competitors.
help domestic industries gain more business.
punish nations for disobeying international law.
encourage nations to give up their nuclear weapons.

not b

How would the United States most likely encourage another nation to eliminate restrictive human rights policies?

by imposing tariffs on the nation's goods
by imposing economic sanctions against the nation
by threatening military action against the nation
by encouraging the nation to enter into a free trade agreement

not d

The best example of US foreign aid is

economic sanctions.
military training.
low tariffs.
free trade.

not a

Goods and services flow more freely across the borders of Canada and Mexico because of

not tarrifs

A negative result of high tariffs is that they can sometimes lead to

economic sanctions.
increased protectionism.
ongoing civil war.
increased competition.

not c

The WTO was created

to end tariffs on goods traded with Canada.
to end tariffs on goods traded with Mexico.
to help goods cross international borders.
to help international trade run smoothly.

not b

A tariff is another name for

an economic sanction.
a tax on imports.
a policy goal.
a trade agreement.
