I Hate CBT's

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College Graduates With Good Writing Skills

College graduates with good writing skills

Are in high demand in the business world

What are some of the characteristics and skills most employers look for in recruits?

receptiveness to feedback, ability to analyze research to find a solution , creative thinking

Flattened management hierarchies

Lead to quicker decision making and fewer costly time delays.

"Anytime, anywhere" no territorial offices

The work shifter requires only a smart phone and a wireless connection

Growing diversity

Teams made up with various experiences are more likely to create the products consumers demand

Business communication functions

- to inform
- to persuade
- to promote goodwill

Internal communication

Includes exchanging ideas and messages with superiors, coworkers, and subordinates. Communicate through email

External communication

Is also by email for the most part, communicating wifi customers, suppliers, the government

Innovative communication technologies


Pros and cons of in person interview

Create a personal connection
Express yourself carelessly

Pros and cons report, proposal

Use precise wording
Lack verbal cues

Horizontal flow

Communication among workers at the same level. Ex: task coordination, problem solving etc.

How to improve horizontal flow?

Training employees in teamwork and communication techniques

Upward flow

Communication from subordinates to management. Ex: product feedback, customer data etc.

How to improve upward flow?

Hiring communication coaches to train employees, report customer complaints, regular meetings etc

Downward flow

Communication from management to subordinates, ex: policy, procedures etc

How to improve downward flow?

Shorter chains of communication & communicating with subordinates and not hoarding info at top

Is it necessary to be honest with stockholders?

Yes they have the right to know how their investment is doing


3rd phase, discuss alternatives, evaluate outcomes, apply criteria, and prioritize alternativeness


Select alternate, analyze effects, implement plan, manage project


2nd step, members define their roles, identify problem, establish goals, establish decision criteria


The first step in team development, where individuals get to know one another and discuss fundamental topics

Why are companies using teams?

Better decisions, faster response, increase productivity, greater buy-in, less resistance to change, improved employee morale, reduced risks of


Faulty decision making processes by team members who are overly eager to agree with one another


Digital calendars , meeting minutes, meeting agendas etc.

Web conferencing?
Audio conferencing?


What is important when ending a virtual meeting and following up afterward?

Remind people of action items and review meeting decisions

Osborn-parents creative problem solving process

Explore the challenge, generate ideas, implement solutions

Skills job seekers should offer:

-Written/oral communication
-Critical thinking/analytical reasoning
-Ability so analyze and solve complex problems
-Ethical decision making
-Teamwork skills
-Innovation and creativity
-Ability to locate and evaluate information
-Understand of statistics

Business communication functions

- to inform
- to persuade
- to promote goodwill

Internal communication

Includes exchanging ideas and messages with superiors, coworkers, and subordinates. Communicate through email

Oral communication?

Ad: immediate feedback, delivered quickly, supplies nonverbal cues, forceful, connection dis: no permanent record, may be inappropriate, not an easy recall

Written communication?

Ad: permanent record, precise, economical, gives audience flexibility.
Dis: leaves record, lacks warmth verbal cues, impersonal, no immediate feedback

Face to face

Rich, managers can best deal with complex organizational issues, telephone

How to improve upward flow?

Hiring communication coaches to train employees, report customer complaints, regular meetings etc

External communication

Is also by email for the most part, communicating wifi customers, suppliers, the government


environment, teams on the fly: no more traditional teams but forming ad-hoc teams to solve particular problems, disband once they're done

Work shifter

A new type of teleworkers who operates anytime and anywhere with a smart device and a wireless connection.

Oral communication?

Ad: immediate feedback, delivered quickly, supplies nonverbal cues, forceful, connection dis: no permanent record, may be inappropriate, not an easy recall

Written communication?

Ad: permanent record, precise, economical, gives audience flexibility.
Dis: leaves record, lacks warmth verbal cues, impersonal, no immediate feedback

Face to face

Rich, managers can best deal with complex organizational issues, telephone

How to improve downward flow?

Shorter chains of communication & communicating with subordinates and not hoarding info at top

How to improve horizontal flow?

Training employees in teamwork and communication techniques

How to ethically handle gossip?

End rumors about other, run from it,

Ethics in business?

Abide by the law, tell the truth, label opinions, be objective, communicate clearly, use inclusive language, give credit

Five questions to guide ethical decisions?

Is the action legal?
Would you do it if you were on the opposite side?
Can you rule out a better alternative?
Would a trust advisor agree?
Would family, friends, employees lover, or coworkers approve?

Chapter 2


What do digital age employers want?

Education, expertise, hard skills, soft skills


Group members vote majority wins


Discussion continues until all team have aired their opinions and ultimately agree.


Typically a subcommittee investigates and makes a recommendation or action this method is used for when the full group cannot get together to make a decision or when time is short


Members haggle, bargain, wheedle, and negotiate to reach a middle position, which often requires compromise. With this method the opinions of the least knowledgeable members may cancel the opinions of the most knowledgeable.

Authority rule with discussion

The authority listens to team meme era ideas but the final decision is his or hers.

6 steps to dealing with conflict

Listen to ensure you understand the problem.
- understand the others position
- show concern for the relationship
- look for areas of mutual agreement
- invent new problem solving options
- reach fair agreement

Meeting purpose and number of participants

1. Intensive problem solving (5<)
2. Problem identification (10<)
3. Information reviews and presentations. (30<)
4. Motivational and virtual (everyone)