Information Processed Below The Normal Level Of Awareness Is Called
n bright light, the iris __________ and the pupil __________ to control the amount of light entering the eye.
Expands; Constricts
The pain-killing effects of acupuncture may be related to
release of endorphins.
Information picked up by the body's receptor cells is termed
The function of the lens is to
focus an image on the retina.
Hearing aids are of no use to an individual with __________ deafness
Information processed below the normal level of awareness is called
The idea that the amount of change in a stimulus necessary to produce a JND is a constant proportion of the stimulus intensity is called
Weber's law.
Neural circuits of many sensory systems
respond to specific stimulus patterns.
A researcher presents two lights of varying brightness to a subject who is asked to respond "same" or "different" by comparing their intensities. The researcher is seeking the
just noticeable difference.
Seeing out of the corner of your eye, often important in sports activities and driving, is called
peripheral vision
Brain cells that analyze incoming sensory information into lines, angles, shading, and movement are called
Brain cells that analyze incoming sensory information into lines, angles, shading, and movement are called
feature detectors.
Which would represent the greatest loss to a professional wine taster or chef?
olfactory loss
Photoreceptors are the __________ sensitive cells that line the retina.
occur when we can detect the change in the intensity of a stimulus.
Difference thresholds
It is now believed that subliminal advertising
has a weak effect, if any at all.
In order for a frog's visual "bug-detector" to work, the bug must be
involves the presentation of stimuli too rapidly or too weakly to be consciously recognized.
involves the presentation of stimuli too rapidly or too weakly to be consciously recognized.
involves the presentation of stimuli too rapidly or too weakly to be consciously recognized.
Subliminal perception
A visual defect known as astigmatism is the result of
a misshapen cornea or lens.
Which sensory receptor is found in greatest numbers in the skin?
pain receptors
Frequency is to __________ as amplitude is to __________.
pitch; loudness
Limen refers to
a threshold
The process where the lens of the eye changes shape is called
Hearing loss caused when the eardrums or ossicles are damaged by disease or injury is called
conduction deafness.
The incoming flow of information from our sensory systems is referred to as
What sensory organs responsible for balance are also related to motion sickness?
the semicircular canals
The cones of the retina
are densely packed in an area called the fovea.
The organ of hearing, where sensitive cells respond to auditory stimuli, is known as the
Myopia is the condition of the eyes in which the person cannot
focus on distant objects.
The iris controls the
size of the pupil.
Brain cells that analyze incoming sensory information into lines, angles, shading and movement are called
feature detectors
The psychological dimension corresponding to the amplitude of light waves is
Sense receptors are biological transducers, which means that they
convert one form of energy to another
Airborne chemical signals which greatly affect mating, sexual behavior, and territorial marking among animals are called
In the eye, focusing is accomplished by
changing the thickness (or shape) of the lens.
Which theory of hearing explains the perception of higher sounds?
Which theory of color vision is correct?
both opponent-process and trichromatic
Visual acuity is best when
an image falls on the fovea.
Skin mapping indicates that
skin receptors are found in varying concentrations, reflecting the sensitivity of the body areas.
When an image is stabilized on the retina, after a brief period of time the image
fades and disappears.
Visual perception is ultimately a function of the
neural activity in the brain
The part of the eye where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the
blind spot.
The point at which a change in sensory stimulation is detected is called the
just noticeable difference.
Night vision is mainly due to an increase in
The vestibular sense helps keep us from
falling over.
The minimum amount of energy needed for a sensation to occur is called
the absolute threshold
The electromagnetic spectrum includes visible light, infrared and ultraviolet light, radio waves, and
television broadcasts, gamma rays, and other energies
Which of the following is a skin sensation
Taste buds sensitive to sweet substances are found primarily on the __________ of the tongue.
The stimuli for audition are
sound pressure waves.
The __________ theory explains that hearing high or low tones depends upon which area of the cochlea is most strongly stimulated.
Kinesthetic sensation results from
receptors in the muscles and joints responding to movement.
The stapes is attached to a second membrane, or drumhead, called the __________. As this moves back and forth, it makes waves in a fluid within the __________.
oval window; cochlea
The conversion of electromagnetic energy into a neural impulse involves
The three auditory ossicles are the malleus, incus, and the
The amount of change necessary in a given stimulus to produce a just noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the original stimulus. This defines
Weber's Law
Sense organs in the joints and muscles contribute to our __________ sense.
Humans respond to different wavelengths of light by experiencing differing
The part of the eye that focuses the image is called the
The scientific term for farsightedness is
Olfaction is another name for the sense of
The three small bones of the inner ear are called the
auditory ossicles
That humans are not visually sensitive to ultraviolet radiation suggests that sensory systems function as
data reduction systems
Which of the following body areas is most sensitive to pain?
behind the knee
Subliminal perception
has been used by advertising companies and politicians in an attempt to increase sales or change opinions.
Taste buds are mainly located
on the top side of the tongue especially around the edges.
According to Weber's Law, if two light bulbs must go out in a room in which twenty are burning to make the room noticeably dimmer, then a room in which forty are burning will become noticeably dimmer when __________ bulbs go out.
The most widely accepted explanation for motion sickness is provided by
sensory conflict theory
Sensory adaptation refers to a decrease in sensory response that accompanies
an unchanging stimulus.
In the auditory system, the first anatomical structure to respond to the sound wave is/are the
The ringing sensation following exposure to loud sounds is called
Messages from the body's pain warning system
close the spinal gate directly.
That you do not hear the traffic outside your psychology class because you are engrossed in the lecture is a good example of
selective attention
The __________ theory explains how sounds up to 4000 hertz reach the brain.
The final step (within the ear) required to convert vibrations into sound sensations is movement of the
hair cells.
A system is developed where a television camera produces an "image" of touch points applied to the back of a blind person. Such a system involves
transducing light into pressure.
When you were in seventh grade, you had to get glasses because you could not see the board at school. Your vision problem is called
A popular theory of olfaction which states that odors are related to the shapes of chemical molecules is the __________ theory.
lock and key
Which theory of hearing explains the perception of lower sounds?
Film is to camera as __________ is to eye
New mothers who are emotionally depressed take longer than non-depressed women to recognize pictures related to pregnancy, birth, and babies. This is an example of
perceptual defense
One of the characteristics that all sensory systems have in common is
A "silent" dog whistle takes advantage of a characteristic of sensory systems known as
the absolute threshold.
Skin senses, kinesthetic senses, and vestibular senses comprise which sense system?
somesthetic sense system
Melzack and Wall's theory that some pain messages can block other pain messages is called
gate control theory.
The theory of color vision which states that the visual system analyzes information into "either-or" messages is the __________ theory.
__________ is concerned with relating changes in physical stimuli to corresponding psychological sensations.
Black and white vision with greatest sensitivity under low levels of illumination describes the function of
the rods.
The fact that we see negative afterimages supports which theory of color vision?
One of the more touch-sensitive areas of the human body is the
Unpleasant stimuli may raise the threshold for recognition. This phenomenon is called
perceptual defense.
After a musical concert that you enjoyed without distraction, a companion complains that she heard little of the music due to frequent shuffling and throat-clearing in the audience. The difference in your experience and hers is related to
selective attention
Sensory adaptation is normally most rapid for the sense of
Visual problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are the result of
physical abnormalities in the structure of the eye.
The external, or visible, part of the ear is called the
Localization of function means that
specific areas of the brain are specialized to interpret input from particular sense organs.
The cones of the retina
function best in bright light.
The sensation you experience ultimately depends on which of the following?
the particular area of the brain that is activated
The frequency of a sound determines its
Trichromatic theory states that there are three kinds of __________ in the eye.
The Ishihara test
is a test for color deficiencies
The most frequently used psychoactive drug in the United States is
Which of the following sleep phenomena could be detected without the aid of an EEG machine?
REM sleep
Dissociation or a split in awareness is an experience commonly associated with
hypnotic induction.
Which of the following best describes the stability of sleep cycles
They are innate but can be modified in times of emergency
Beta waves are characteristic in the EEG of a person who is
awake and alert
Which of the following drugs is physically addictive?
A sudden, irresistible urge to sleep, which lasts a few minutes to half an hour during the daytime, is called
A particularly dangerous (often fatal) combination of drugs is
alcohol and barbiturates.
The surest way to alter human consciousness
to administer a psychoactive drug
Freud believed that, in order to protect sleep and prevent the arousal of conscience, the content of our dreams is
A sleep disturbance in which one awakens several times during the night and has difficulty returning to sleep is
When a person stops taking cocaine, all of the following occur EXCEPT
an increased sense of energy.
Which of the following is most likely to occur as a consequence of hypnosis?
altered sensory experiences
Smoked forms of cocaine are commonly called
During hypnosis, EEG (brain-wave) recordings
resemble those obtained when a person is awake.
Nicotine is classified as a
Infants sleep
in 2-4 hour blocks of time.
The most common reactions to sleep loss up to 48 hours
include inattention, staring, and tremor of the hands.
In a newborn infant, one could expect total sleep time each day to approach
20 hours.
Our sleep rhythms are tied to a 24-hour day because
they are tied to external time markers like light and dark.
Drugs with names like Xanax, Halcion, and Valium are
Substances capable of altering human consciousness are classified as
psychoactive drugs
The ordering and duration of daily sleep and waking periods are known as
sleep patterns.
Research suggests that the two most basic states of sleep are
REM sleep and non-REM sleep.
is an altered state characterized by narrowed attention and increased openness to suggestion.
Night terrors most often occur during
Stage 4 NREM sleep
According to Freud, dreams are very often a means of
wish fulfillment.
Which of the following is a major way in which altered states of consciousness are produced
Excessive daytime sleepiness is a condition called
Immediately before sleep the EEG shifts to patterns of larger and slower waves called __________ waves.
Perhaps the best known hallucinogen is
Dreams usually
are about ninety minutes apart with each succeeding dream lasting a little longer.
Which of the following is a primary characteristic of dream sleep?
rapid eye movements
Which stage of sleep typically has spindles?
Recent evidence suggests that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana
accumulates in fatty tissue
Short-term drug use based largely on curiosity is called
A sleep disturbance characterized by snoring, short silences, and gasps is called
sleep apnea
Hypnosis currently has its greatest value as a(n)
tool for inducing relaxation.
__________ is an amino acid that can help people sleep and can be found in a glass of __________.
Tryptophan; milk
Some physicians believe that SIDS, or crib death, may be caused by
sleep apnea.
Which of the following is classified as a stimulant?
Which of the following is a correct match?
Stage 1 - light sleep
occurs during sleep stages 3 and 4
Treatment for alcoholism generally begins with
If you suffered sleep deprivation, what type of effect would occur first
loss of ability to pay attention and perform simple routine tasks
People dream
about 90 minutes a night.
A very stressful day is likely to increase the amount of
REM sleep.
Extensive study of dreams indicates that
most dreams are extensions of everyday experience.
Cocaine achieves its effect through the chemical messengers
dopamine and noradrenaline
Many of the chemicals released by a burning cigarette are