It Is Appropriate To Drive Side By Side
Expressways routinely have lower crash frequency rates than other roadway types
There are numerous advantages to expressway driving over two-lane roads, One of those advantages is:
Supports higher traffic volume
Driving too slowly on expressways can be just as dangerous as driving too quickly
HOV lanes are generally less congested than other lanes on an expressway and are used for:
Vehicles with more than one occupant
Driving exiting the expressway should be prepared to exit by_______appropriately as the specific exit nears
Changing lanes
Lanes of traffic on expressways that flow in opposing directions are divided by a:
seasonal hazards include which of the following?
Snow, ice, and sleet
If bad pavement is encountered a driver should:
Slow speed, stay in the same lane as much as possible and drive with special attention until reaching an area of good pavement
High traffic volume allows more vehicles on the expressway due to the design of
multiple lane roads
The high risk driving environment routinely involves:
Intersections of varying volume and complexity
High traffic volume
Limited time and space to identify critical incidents and roadways conditions
__________are designed to absorb the impact of a high speed crash
Stopping, turning, and crossing the median on expressways are prohibited.
Expressways are designed to assist drivers in early identification of roadway:
hazards and conditions
Pedestrians, bicyclists and slow-moving vehicles are not allowed on expressways because expressways have minimum speed limit requirements that these travelers cannot reach
HOV is a euphemism for:
High Occupancy Vehicle
Traveling on multiple-lane roadways is often faster than traveling on local roadways due to the lack of intersections that require stopping
It is acceptable to stop in any lane of the expressway
________are areas of uneven pavement that make the vehicle unbalanced.
The speed limit on Georgia expressways is up to 70 mph.
Heat can create including glare, reflections or brushfires.
Expressway entrances include:
An entrance ramp, acceleration ramp, and merge area
The driver________the expressway has the right of way in weave lanes.
Focusing on the________to merge into will assist in making adjustments in driving if that area becomes unavailable before reaching it.
Chosen space gap
When exiting an expressway,____________your current speed when preparing to exit
If you see a sign stating Wrong Way or Do Not Enter when entering an expressway, you should:
Pull the vehicle to the side of the road and stop immediately. Then turn the vehicle around and exit the area
When entering an expressway, a driver in the acceleration lane must decrease speed in order to not obstruct expressway traffic.
At the end of the exit lane of an expressway, there may be a stop or yield sign
Traffic in the right lane at an entrance ramp and merge lane should move to the_________lane in order to let entering traffic have space to merge.
Center left
Slow moving vehicles that travel at a speed less than 25 mph are not permitted on an expressway.
Less congested lanes on an expressway mean there is more room and correct_______will be followed
Space cushions
Exiting the expressway occurs at an appropriate exit area. Exiting an expressway includes:
A merge area
A deceleration ramp
An exit ramp
Large vehicles have difficulty changing lanes due to:
A large blind spot
It is appropriate to drive side-by-side with other vehicles in the other lanes.
Merging vehicles should always give existing expressway traffic the right of way.
Entering and exiting vehicles on an expressway share a ramp on_______which can cause conflicts.
Weave lanes
Driving too slowly is just as dangerous as driving too quickly.
Before entering an expressway, look for____________signs stating wrong Way or Do not enter
Read and white
__________are needed to avoid two vehicles transitioning to the same spot in the same lane.
Scanning techniques
When transitioning into a merge lane with expressway traffic, you should use your_________to communicate your intention to other drivers.
Turn signal
Some problems associated with lane management include:
Poor visibility
Congestion on the ramp
Driver choosing the wrong lane
_____________are diamond shape and predominantly yellow and black
Warning signs
Traffic signals on expressways are typically located near the shoulder of the expressway or on overhead posts.
__________Indicate no passing or crossing
Solid yellow lines
Signs that use blue, white and red colors and have the interstate number located on the middle of the sign are:
Interstate signs
Guide signs on expressways are predominantly green and white.
__________can cause drivers to feel as if the have less control of the vehicle.
Cross winds
A lane identified by a diamond painted in the lane of travel is called a:
High occupancy vehicle lane
Which of the following signs are green and white and give roadway guidance information?
Guide signs
The three most common expressway interchange types are cloverleaf, diamond and trumpet interchanges
_____________allow drivers to pass other vehicles
Broken white lines
__________may include traffic control devices on the intersecting secondary roadways permitting turns onto the secondary roadway.
Diamond interchange
A_____________helps protect opposite lanes of traffic from collisions.
Median barrier
If the electronic turn signal does not work on a vehicle, a driver should utilize the appropriate hand signal to indicate the intention to turn
A solid yellow line is always on the drivers left side
A green arrow over a lane indicates the lane is prohibited
Around construction areas, drivers should allow for____________following distance at the front and rear of the vehicle
Solid white lines mark the edges of pavement and should not be crossed
Expressway lane markings are of a different design and meaning as on other roadways.
Parking or stopping on expressways is not permitted unless it is on the shoulder of the expressway.
______________are designed with a secondary multiple lane roadway
Diamond interchange
An example of a regulatory sign is:
No Right Turn sign
One Way sign
Speed limit sign
Examples of cloverleaf interchanges are usually found when interstate feeder roads terminate at an interstate highway
A cloverleaf interchange typically includes_______to permit traffic leaving one roadway and concurrently exiting from another roadway
Weave lanes
Slower moving vehicles should travel in the_________lane.
Raised highway dividers serve the same purpose as____________
Solid yellow lines