I Hate CBT's

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Match The Term With Its Definition

To stop the spread of communism by keeping it within its boundaries


nternational organization of Eastern European countries led by the Soviet Union


Belief that by threatening to go to the brink of war could stop the spread of communism


Shipment of supplies in response to the Soviet blockade


International organization formed by Western countries to protect against communism


US Senator who made unsupported claims that communists had infiltrated the gov't MCCARTHY


Commander of Allied Forces during the Korean War.

Douglas MacArthur

State Department official who developed the foreign policy idea of "Containment"George Kennan

George Kennan

Convicted of espionage & passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Convicted of perjury for lying to Congress about his affiliation with a former communist Alger Hiss

Alger Hiss

Declaration that the US would aid all countries threatened by communism

Marshall Plan

Program that offered financial aid to Greece &Turkey

Truman Doctrine

The artificial barrier between Western European & Eastern European communist

Iron Curtain

Both the US & USSR would build enough nuclear weapons to destroy one another

Mutually Assured Destruction

Using unrestricted force against an opponent to prevent further aggression

Massive Retaliation

List of persons who were not hired due to their suspected communist connections


Refused to answer questions about suspected connections to communism

Hollywood Ten

Committee in the House of Representatives that investigated communist activities


The fear that communists were conspiring to destroy the American way of life

Red Scare

Made it illegal to teach or advocate the overthrow of the US government Smith Act

Smith Act

Buying as much as one can, much of it on credit


A household consisting of a mother, father, and their children

Nuclear Family

Allowed companies to distribute products and services through retail outlets Interstate

Highway Act

A law that granted benefits to war veterans

GI Bill of Rights

Period of time after WWII when many people married and started families

Baby Boom

Segregation that exists by practice/tradition De Facto Segregation

De Facto Segregation

Segregation by law De Jure Segregation

De Jure Segregation

Effort to register African Americans to vote in Mississippi

Freedom Summer

Protest to test the Supreme Court decision to de-segregate interstate buses

Freedom Ride

Political party for African Americans

Black Panthers

Federal program to provide basic health insurance to those over 65


Federal program to provide low-cost health insurance to poor Americans


Johnson's vision for the federal gov't to provide help for struggling citizens

Great Society

Federal programs supported by Johnson that sought to aid low-income Americans

War on Poverty

Trained young men & women in employment skills in order to lift them out of poverty

Job Corps

Leader of the USSR-Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Nikita Khrushchev

Leader of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Crisis Fidel Castro

US President during the Cuban Missile Crisis

John F. Kennedy

Assassinated a US president

Lee Harvey Oswa

Attorney General for the Kennedy administration

Robert Kennedy

Americans who believed the US should withdraw from the Vietnam War immediately


Americans who supported strong military action to end the Vietnam War


University where national guardsmen fired on protesters, killing four

Kent State

Massacre of Vietnamese civilians by US soldiers; initially covered up by the government

My Lai

US military raids on villages intending to root out Viet Cong

Search and Destroy