Psych O Medical Term
caus/o (combining form)
burning, burn (causalgia)
cerebr/o (combining form)
cerebrum, brain (cerebral)
concuss/o (combining form)
shaken together, violently agitated (concussion)
contus/o (combining form)
bruise (contusion)
encephal/o (combining form)
brain (electroencephalogram)
-esthesia (suffix)
sensation, feeling (anesthesia)
esthet/o (combining form)
feeling, nervous senation, sense of perception (hyperesthesia)
-graphy (suffix)
the process of producing a picture or record (angiography)
mening/o (combining form)
membranes, meninges (meningitis)
myel/o (combining form)
spinal cord, bone marrow (myelography)
neur/i, neur/o (combining form)
nerve, nerve tissue (neurological)
phobia (word root)
abnormal fear (claustrophobia)
psych/o (combining form)
mind (psychoanalysis)
radicul/o (combining form)
root or nerve root (radiculopathy)
tropic (word root)
having an affinity for (anatropic)