I Hate CBT's

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The Use Of Space In Interpersonal Relationships Is Called _____.

The core emotion system that produces basic emotions in humans is an inflexible system that is unable to adapt to different contexts and events.


According to the original universality studies on facial expressions of emotion, _____ is one of the six basic emotions that are expressed universally by all humans.


Americans feel that they need not understand other cultures. This is an example of _____.


According to the cultural display rules, _____ refers to showing an emotion when a person really doesn't feel it.


Placing both hands at the side of one's head and pointing upward with the forefingers signals that one is angry in some cultures (such as Japan); in others, however, it refers to the devil; and in others it means that one wants sex. This is an example of _____.

emblematic gestures

The smallest and most basic units of sound in a language are called _____.


According to the cultural display rules, when a person expresses an emotion less than actually felt, it is referred to as _____.


feelings are a part of emotion, but not emotion itself


One important aspect of basic emotions is that they are universally expressed, but they are not universally recognized.


Pragmatics refers to the system of rules governing:

how language is used and understood in given social contexts

A high degree of mindfulness reduces uncertainty and anxiety, resulting in effective communication.


The use of space in interpersonal relationships is called _____.


a lexicon refers to the

words contained in a language

Which of the following is true of emotions?

emotions are quick and do not last for hours or days

Phonology refers to

system of rules governing how words should sound ina given language

According to Charles Darwin, which of the following statements is true of facial expressions of emotions?

Facial expressions of emotion are biologically innate

In the context of cross-cultural studies on emotion appraisal processes, the emotion of _____ is elicited by the universal underlying psychological theme of moral superiority.


The use of touch in interpersonal interactions is known as _____.


Which of the following is true of research conducted on cultural calibration of how emotional expressions are perceived by individuals?

Individualistic cultures are better at recognizing negative emotions than are collectivistic cultures.

gaze is often used as a nonverbal sign of respect


Differences across cultures in _____ play a role in contributing to the striking differences in rates of overweight and obesity.


_____ is characterized by a distorted body image, fear of becoming fat, and a serious loss of weight associated with restraining from eating food or purging after eating.

anorexia nervosa

From anthropological and sociological perspectives, _____ refers to a malfunctioning or maladaptation of biologic and psychophysiologic processes in an individual.


_____ is a growing field that incorporates medical and health care systems and practices that are not considered conventional medicine to treat illness and promote health.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

What are the three indicators of health used worldwide?

Life expectancy, infant mortality, and subjective well-being

_____ refers to m isinterpreting culturally sanctioned behavior as expressions of pathological symptoms.


_____ refers to psychological disorders that encompass behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects of functioning.


An approach to defining abnormality focuses on whether an individual's behavior is associated with impairment, inefficiency, deviance, or subjective distress when carrying out customary roles.


The _____ refers to the way immigrants tend to show better physical health compared to nonimmigrants despite the many challenges of adapting and adjusting to a new country.

immigrant paradox

The process of individual change and adaptation as a result of continuous contact with a new, distinct culture is called _____.


A person's behavior that might appear disordered if it occurred on a street corner in the United States, could appear to be appropriate and understandable if it occurred in a shamanistic ceremony. What principle should we use to better understand and identify abnormality in such behaviors?

cultural relativism

According to Kleinman et al. (2006), views of health in many Western countries have been heavily influenced by what many call the _____ of health and disease.

biomedical model

Which of the following refers to bodily symptoms as expressions of psychological distress?


According to Triandis and his colleagues (1988), p eople who live in more _____ cultures may have access to stronger and deeper social ties with others than do people in _____ cultures .

collectivistic; individualistic

_____ refers to attributing pathological symptoms to normative cultural differences.


______ is characterized by delusions and hallucinations, lack of motivation, social withdrawal, impaired memory, and dysregulated emotions.


A person's perceptions and self-judgments of his or her health and well-being that includes feelings of happiness and life satisfaction is referred to as _____.

subjective well-being

According to Kelleher, Chambers, Corcoran, Williamson, and Keeley (1998), data from suicide rates reported to the _____ showed that countries with religions that strongly condemned the act of suicide had lower reported rates of suicide than countries without religions that strongly condemned suicide.

WHO - world health org.

Identify a true statement on the use of societal norms as a criterion for defining abnormality.

Our notions of what is socially deviant changes over time.

The _____ model of schizophrenia suggests that it may develop in individuals with a genetic and biological predisposition to the disorder following exposure to environmental stressors.

diathesis - stress

_____ is a Buddhist principle emphasizing close attention to the present moment, being aware of one's senses, breathing, and thoughts without judgment or evaluation.


Which of the following best defines conformity?

It refers to yielding to real or imagined social pressure.

Which of the following is a major area of conflict in intercultural marriages?

expression of love and intamacy

According to Hofstede, cultures with long-term orientations are based on the principle that:

unequal status relationships lead to a stable society.

Perceptions of outgroups are often associated with _____, which is the belief that others are less human.


Stereotypes about one's own group are called _____, whereas stereotypes about other groups are called _____.

autostereotypes; heterostere

According to Hofstede, _____ refers to the degree to which cultures foster or maintain differences between the sexes in work-related values.


A(n) _____ approach to psychotherapy may lead to impatience and premature termination of therapy for Native American clients.


When a clinician and patient differ with respect to their cultural backgrounds, it is important for the clinician to:

be sensitive to variations in communication patterns of different ethnic groups.

According to Hofstede, cultures low on _____ are less concerned with rules and rituals to deal with the stress and anxiety of unsureness.

uncertainty avoidance

A more effective mode of treatment for persons from collectivistic cultures may include the family or community to acknowledge that:

the fundamental unit of analysis and intervention is the individual in relation to others.

_____ refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in which submission to such behavior is a condition to employment and employment decisions affecting the individual, and where the behavior interferes with the individual's work environment or creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment.

sexual harrassment

Identify a true statement about aggression.

Culture plays an important role in contributing to aggression.

Although prejudice can be either positive or negative in content, -isms, which are the prejudices that are held by one group of people about another are usually negative and derogatory.


In American culture, leaders are expected to be decision makers—"movers and shakers" of organizations and of people.


In the context of acculturation, which of the following is a difference between assimilators and integrators?

Assimilators are individuals who reject their home culture and totally integrate to the host culture, whereas integrators are individuals who want to maintain their home culture as well as the host culture.

_____ treatments may be especially relevant for helping populations such as immigrants and refugees, who are unfamiliar with the host culture, who tend not to seek out professional help, and who tend to underuse mental health services.


_____ refers to a shared perception of organizational policies, practices, and procedures, and how people feel about them.

organizational climate

According to Sue et al. (2009), which of the following is an important determinant of client responses to treatment?

acculturation status

In the context of cultural limitations of psychotherapy, a(n) _____ culture considers possession and divination as effective healing systems.


Identify a research outcome of studies on conformity in terms of cultural differences.

Conformity was higher in collectivistic countries than in individualistic countries.

In the study of consumer behavior, the role of emotion in consumer decision making has gained importance in recent years.


Which of the following barriers to seeking mental health treatment and services is considered an individual level factor?

language differences

According to Morris and Leung (2000), in _____ cultures, people in legitimate positions of authority can treat subordinates more harshly before this behavior is seen as unfair.

hierarchal, high power distance

Which of the following best describes self-serving bias?

It refers to the tendency to attribute one's successes to personal factors and one's failures to situational factors.

A cross-national comparison showed that those in the lower income countries are, in general, more likely to seek treatment compared to those in higher-income countries.


Identify an accurate statement about multinational and international corporations.

They have subsidiaries, satellite offices, and work units in more than one country.

According to Leong and Lau (2001), the _____ population tends to be the least likely to seek treatment.

asian american

According to Hofstede, _____ cultural values foster more compliance with company policies and more conformity in group, section, or unit behavior.


Which of the following best defines acculturation?

It is the process by which people adapt to and adopt a different cultural system.