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Cwv 101 Topic 2 Quiz Answers

Question: 1. List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.

Answer: Young earth

Old earth

Theistic evolution

Question: Young earth:

Answer: God created the world in 6 days and the earth is around 6,000 years old (or no specific attempt is made to determine the young age of the world)

Question: Old earth:

Answer: Generally, advances that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old and that life appeared in stages

Question: Theistic evolution:

Answer: Life evolved by a process God guided

Question: 2. The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.

Answer: God’s attributes are passed to humans (creativity, love, logic and reason, etc)

Humanity is to exercise dominion over what God created

God breathed the breath of life into us

God gives us worth

Question: 3. What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?

Answer: God dwelling with man

No more death or mourning or pain or crying

Question: 4. According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?

Answer: Sovereign means that God has supreme authority over His creation

Question: 5. List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.

Answer: Righteous





Question: 6. List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.

Answer: Its place at the end of the narrative

The amount of narrative space that the creation of humanity takes within the narrative

The interruption in the pattern of wording established when discussing the first five days of creation in Genesis 1

Question: 7. How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?

Answer: Good and ordered

A place of worship particularly a temple/ throne room

A place where God dwelled with his people