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Describe How An Enzyme Differs From A Substrate

Question: Substance on which a catalyst works

Answer: substrate

Question: Biological catalyst; protein in nature

Answer: enzyme

Question: increases the rate of a chemical reaction without becoming part of the product

Answer: catalyst

Question: provides a standard of comparison for test results

Answer: Control

Question: Describe how an enzyme differs from a substrate

Answer: Enzymes are biological catalysts for a reaction to occur, while the substrate acts upon their corresponding enzyme for it to activate.

Question: The enzymes of the digestive system are classified as hydrolases. What does this mean?

Answer: Hydrolases break down organic food molecules by adding water to the molecular bonds, thus splitting bonds.

Question: salivary amylase

Answer: Produced by the salivary glands and released into the mouth and starts hydrolysing starch in food to maltose in a neutral, slightly acidic environment.

Question: Trypsin

Answer: an enzyme from the pancreas that digests proteins in the small intestine in a basic environment.

Question: Lipase

Answer: pancreatic enzyme necessary to digest fats in a basic environment.

Question: protein end product

Answer: amino acids