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Describe How Fluids Exert Forces On Objects

Question: 1. Viscosity

Answer: resistance of a fluid to flowing.

Question: 2. Density-

Answer: mass per unit volume of a material

Question: 3. Buoyancy

Answer: Resistance

Question: 4. Pressure

Answer: force exerted per unit area

Question: Describe how fluids exert forces on objects

Answer: Fluids exert forces on objects because of many molecules of the fluid that continuously collide with the surfaces of the object immersed in the fluid.

Question: Explain why squeezing a plastic mustard bottle forces mustard out the top

Answer: Squeezing a plastic mustard bottle forces mustard out the top because of the amount of force or pressure applied to it that results in mustard coming out.

Question: Why does a steel boat float on water but a steel block does not?

Answer: A steel boat floats on water but a steel block does not because the block has more weight than the steel boat due to the buoyant force.