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Describe How Jefferson And Adams Campaigned.

Question: Describe how Jefferson and Adams campaigned.

Answer: They made their ideas known by writing letters to leading citizens and to newspapers.

Question: Give an example of a personal attack that each side made during the campaign.

Answer: Federalists said Jefferson was “godless.” Republicans said that Adams would bring back the monarchy.

Question: Electors each cast two ballots for president. The person who got the majority of votes would be president. The vote was _______.

Answer: tied

Question: Then _______had to decide the election.

Answer: the House of Representatives

Question: Then _____ changed his vote.

Answer: one Federalist

Question: _______was elected president, and _______was elected vice president.

Answer: Jefferson, Burr

Question: Congress passed the Twelfth Amendment to prevent _______.

Answer: another tie between a presidential and a vice-presidential candidate

Question: After that, each elector would _______ .

Answer: cast one vote for president and one for vice president

Question: Cause and Effect: Marbury v. Madison

Answer: Marshall claimed for the courts the right to find acts of other branches unconstitutional.

Question: What principles of judicial review were introduced in the opinion for Marbury v. Madison?

Answer: The Constitution is the supreme law; the Constitution must be followed if there are conflicts between it and other laws; the judicial branch can declare laws unconstitutional.