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Describe One Advantage And A Possible Limitation To Sanger'S Method

Question: Describe one advantage and a possible limitation to Sanger’s method.


Question: Explain how fast DNA sequencing can change the way doctors treat disease.

Answer: Faster genetic sequencing will help in quick analysis of the genetic makeup of bacteria that can cause diseases in humans for better and more efficient treatments. Also, sequencing of a cancerous cell’s DNA can provide better ways to treat or prevent cancer.

Question: Which of the statements gives the best explanation for the wider genetic variation in the human population in Africa than the rest of the world?

Answer: Humans have most likely descended from Africa. This research is supported by the fact that all the human genomes tested outside of Africa had close ties to the genomes of people in Africa. Also, there is a genetic variance in Africa that was not found in the rest of the world.

Question: What happens when a dideoxynucleotide is added to a developing DNA strand?

Answer: The chain is not extended any farther.If a ddNTP is added to a growing a DNA strand, the chain is not extended any further because the free 3’ OH group needed to add another nucleotide is not available.

Question: Which enzyme is only found in prokaryotic organisms?

Answer: DNA gyrase. DNA gyrase helps to maintain the supercoiled structure in prokaryotes.

Question: What do the letters STR stand for as used in forensic science?

Answer: Short Tandem Repeat loci

Question: What is the role of ligase in DNA replication?

Answer: It seals the gaps between the Okazaki fragments to create one continuous DNA strand.

Question: What is a fragment of a lagging strand of DNA under replication called?

Answer: the Okazaki fragment. DNA fragments that are synthesized in short stretches on the lagging strand are called Okazaki fragments.

Question: Define primer in your own words.

Answer: short stretch of nucleotides that is required to initiate replication; in the case of replication, the primer has RNA nucleotides

Question: If a prokaryotic cell is replicating nucleotides at a rate of 100100 per second, how fast would a eukaryotic cell be replicating nucleotides?

Answer: 10 per second