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Emphasizes Careful Observation And Testing Of Hypothesis

Question: ____ was the first person to use a microscopce as a scientific instument

Answer: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Question: A fore that attracts objects to each other is called _____

Answer: gravity

Question: _____ proposed several theories that have been proven so many times that they are called laws including the law of gravity and the laws of motion

Answer: Sir Issac Newton

Question: Perhaps no astronomer during the scientific revolution influences modern science more than ______

Answer: Galileo Galilee

Question: Danish astronomer ____ emphasized the importance of careful observation and keeping detailed accurate records so that other scientists can use what has previously been learned

Answer: Tycho Brahe

Question: German astronomer __ proved that planets do not follow circular paths but move in elliptical or oval paths

Answer: Johannes Kepler

Question: A _______- is a scientific instrument that measures air pressure

Answer: barometer

Question: __- wrote a book called On the resolution of the celestial Spheres which claimed that the earth circled the sun

Answer: Nikolaus Copernicus

Question: The ________- established science as the most effective method for learning about the natural world

Answer: scientific revolution

Question: English philosopher _______- noted how scientists using observations facts experiments and theories revealed the truth about how nature worked

Answer: Francis Bacon