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Employee Responsibilities Regarding Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Include

Question: Jill is Jack’s supervisor. Jill asks Jack on a date. She threatens not to give him his next raise if he refuses to date her. Jack does not want to date Jill. This is:

Answer: Quid pro quo sexual harassment

Question: Choose the best description of “hostile environment” sexual harassment:

Answer: Unwanted sexual behavior interferes with an employee’s work or makes the workplace offensive or intimidating for an employee.

Question: A responsibility of employers for preventing sexual harassment is:

Answer: Have a formal sexual harassment policy in place

Question: When an employee is found guilty of harassment, the employer may be held legally responsible. This may happen when:

Answer: The employer ignored repeated complaints from employees about the harassment.

Question: Which of the following best meets the legal definition of sexual harassment under Title VII?

Answer: Both b and c

Question: Jack and Jill are coworkers. Jack pinches or squeezes Jill’s rear end whenever she walks by. Jill does not want this sexual conduct. She has asked Jack to stop. She is having trouble getting her work done because she tries to avoid Jack whenever possible. The employer should treat this as:

Answer: Hostile environment sexual harassment

Question: Which of the following is a feature of quid pro quo sexual harassment?

Answer: The conduct of the harasser must be unwelcome.

Question: Jack and Jill meet at the workplace. They like each other and start to date. This is:

Answer: Not sexual harassment under Title VII

Question: Jill is Jane’s supervisor. Jill offers Jane a promotion in exchange for sexual favors. Jane does not want a sexual relationship with Jill. This is:

Answer: Quid pro quo sexual harassment

Question: A responsibility of employers related to preventing sexual harassment is:

Answer: Discipline employees who are found to engage in sexual harassment