I Hate CBT's

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Employers Can Use Spyware To Track Program Usage By Employees

Question: Which of the following statements is false?

Answer: Omitting the © copyright symbol means your work is not copyrighted.

Question: By recycling electronics, you can help _____. Select all that apply.

Answer: -Reuse valuable materials

-Keep toxic materials out of the water we drink

-Preserve limited resources

Question: A high level of encryption for wireless devices.

Answer: WPA2

Question: A unique name you create to identify yourself to a computer system.

Answer: Username

Question: Security feature often built into operating systems.

Answer: Firewall

Question: A strong password.

Answer: J0$e186#ntK

Question: Method used to verify the identity of computer users.

Answer: Authentication

Question: Which password is the strongest for accessing the Microsoft website?

Answer: $2Habt1+MsfT

Question: Besides securing access to your Wi-Fi network, you should ____________.

Answer: Secure access to your wireless router

Question: Listeners can create a personal radio station by listening to songs and then voting for the ones they like or dislike.

Answer: Online music service