Employers Defend Their Intrusion Into Employee Privacy By Noting

Question: An appraisal system that takes into account financial, customer, processes, and learning categories is called:

Answer: the balanced scorecard approach.

Question: Reliability in performance appraisal is measured by:

Answer: correlating two sets of ratings made by a single rater or by two different raters.

Question: Developmental purposes of performance appraisal include all of the following EXCEPT:

Answer: validating selection procedures.

Question: One study showed that organizations with strong performance management systems are ____ more likely to outperform their competitors in the areas of revenue growth, productivity, profitability, and market value

Answer: 40-50 percent

Question: A problem with performance appraisal is that it:

Answer: tends to focus on short-term objectives rather than long-term learning.

Question: The two primary purposes of performance appraisals are:

Answer: administrative and developmental.

Question: The Supreme Court ruling states that:

Answer: organizations should have carefully defined and measurable performance standards.

Question: Which of the following is a performance appraisal approach designed to measure how frequently employees exhibit certain behaviors?

Answer: Behavior observation scale

Question: What is the first step in the management by objectives (MBO) process?

Answer: Develop organization goals and metrics

Question: An inappropriate interview technique in which praise serves to cushion criticism by alternating positive statements with negative statements is known as:

Answer: the sandwich technique.

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