Employers Should Use Data From The

Question: When a hard hat sustains an impact, it should:

Answer: Be replaced

Question: Employers should use data from the ____ when selecting appropriate PPE

Answer: Hazard assessment

Question: Employer provided PPE training should include information about:

Answer: All of the above

Question: Safety belts, lifelines, lanyards, and Personal Fall Arrest Systems are all examples of:

Answer: Fall protection equipment

Question: When using eye and face protection you should do all of the following except:

Answer: Always remove contact lenses or glasses before use.

Question: Safety footwear must meet __ minimum compression and impact performance standards.

Answer: ANSI

Question: Which of the following types of protection is an employer required to pay for?

Answer: Hearing protection

Question: PPE is used when ___,___, and ___ controls are not possible or do not provide suitable protection for workers.

Answer: Engineering, work practice, and administrative.

Question: Which of the following guards against exposure to electrical hazards

Answer: Non-Conductive footwear

Question: For personal fall arrest systems all of the following apply except

Answer: Are not required to be paid for by employers.

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