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How Can Laws And Policies Promote Sustainability

Question: Which is the best definition of sustainability?

Answer: Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


Question: Which of the following is NOT part of a sustainable activity?


Question: Why is it unsustainable to depend on nonrenewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)?

Answer: Because they are nonrenewable, it is going to be harder to obtain them as they are depleted. Extracting and burning fossil fuel resources also degrades the environment, releases pollution, and contributes to climate change.

Question: Earth has a vast store of resources and ecosystem services, called natural capital. How can we use our natural capital sustainably?

Answer: We must not use resources faster than they are replaced.

Question: How can laws and policies promote sustainability?

Answer: Laws and policies can reduce pollution emitted by industries.

Question: Which of the following shows that humans are currently living unsustainably on Earth?

Answer: All of these indicate that we are currently living unsustainably

>Agricultural practices

>Toxic chemicals from air and water pollution

>Abundant consumer products

>Our reliance on fossil fuels

Question: What happens when we destroy habitat, pollute the environment, or deplete resources?

Answer: These activities reduce the services that ecosystems provide for humans, and threaten our well-being and survival.

Question: Which statement is true about how humans are using Earth’s species (biodiversity) unsustainably?

Answer: The increasing need for resources is causing the conversion of forests, grasslands, and wetlands to agriculture and urban development.

Question: As a college student, what can you do to work towards a sustainable society?

Answer: You can do all of these things to work towards a sustainable society.

Question: Is it possible for all the world’s people to use as many resources as the average citizen of the United States?

Answer: No; it would take more resources than Earth has to allow everyone to live like the average U.S. citizen does.