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How Can The Expansion Of Eu Membership Cause Division

Question: What did the European Union began with the development of?

Answer: common market

Question: How does the development of a European citizenship unite Europe?

Answer: With European citizenship, citizens of member nations can live and work anywhere in the EU and vote in all EU elections.

Question: common market

Answer: a group of countries that acts as a single market, without trade barriers between member countries

Question: How does creation of an EU trading bloc unite Europe?

Answer: The creation of an EU trading bloc unites Europe by allowing EU countries to have more power in the global economy than they would have individually.

Question: How do the differences between western and eastern nations divide the EU?

Answer: Wealthier Western European countries are concerned that so much money is being spent in Central and Eastern Europe. Some Western Europeans worry about losing jobs to other EU workers who are willing to work for less money.

Question: What are other examples of international organization?

Answer: the United Nations (UN), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Question: Write a statement supported by the information in the graph below.

Answer: The EU has about the same economic power as the United States.

Question: How does a common market unite Europe?

Answer: The common market unites Europe by allowing goods and workers to travel more freely across borders.

Question: What divisions are created by the use of the euro?

Answer: Divisions occur when some European nations refuse to adopt the euro. Also, the euro divides the EU into two groups: countries with economies stable enough to be allowed to adopt the euro and countries with less stable economies.

Question: centrifugal force

Answer: a force that divides people and countries