I Hate CBT's

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Good Leaders And Good Leadership Is A Rare Commodity

Question: The major determinant of the most effective style of leadership will be:

Answer: the follower’s personality

Question: Two important group outcomes or consequences of the interactive process that unfolds between a leader, follower, and the situation include:

Answer: task performance and group maintenance

Question: Good leaders and good leadership is a rare commodity.

Answer: True

Question: People surrender their power to define reality for themselves to individuals whom they believe are capable of punitive forms of punishment.

Answer: False

Question: Fielder’s Contingency model states that situational factors are important when considering the relative importance of leader behaviors. He also stated that certain situational factors are more important than others. Which of the following order of situational factors is most accurate?

Answer: leader-member relations, task structure, position power

Question: With respect to leadership, what statement best reflects the impact of a leader who is located apart from his or her subordinates?

Answer: the distance becomes a neutralizer of leader behavior

Question: The evidence suggests that the differences between men and women are marginal when it comes to interpersonal versus a task orientation.

Answer: True

Question: Managers commonly derive their power from the larger organization.

Answer: True

Question: The University of Michigan studies identified additional behaviors believed to be associated with effective leadership and concluded:

Answer: it is the leader’s job to make sure that support, work facilitation, and goal emphasis are present in the group

Question: It has been observed that individuals with an external locus of control are much more responsive to participative styles of leadership than are those with an internal locus of control.

Answer: False