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Hairs Are Far More Distinguishable Than Fibers

Question: During the search of a crime scene, it is easy to tell which items are evidence; the primary difficulty is in collecting

the items.

Answer: false

Question: Latent prints have been collected from human skin.

Answer: true

Question: A mobile crime lab is usually a commercially customized office that provides compartments to hold equipment and

countertops for processing evidence.

Answer: true

Question: DNA is extremely durable and generally unaffected by heat, sunlight, moisture, bacteria, or mold.

Answer: false

Question: Investigators should powder and lift every fingerprint they discover.

Answer: false

Question: Investigators have used lip prints and lip impressions to solve cases.

Answer: true

Question: Before, during, and after its examination, evidence must be securely protected and properly stored. However, once it

is ready for court, there are no issues regarding how it is stored.

Answer: false

Question: Deoxyribonucleic acid is an organic substance contained in a cell’s nucleus.

Answer: true

Question: Probability serves no purpose in evidence; the lab must determine whether or not the evidence exactly matches the

standard of comparison.

Answer: false

Question: Hairs are far more distinguishable than fibers.

Answer: false