Half Breeds Apush Definition

Question: Bloody Shirt

Answer: The symbol of the Republican political tactic of attacking Democrats with reminders of the Civil War

Question: Credit Mobilier

Answer: Corrupt construction company whose bribes and payoffs to congressmen and others created a major Grant administration scandal

Question: Liberal Republican Party

Answer: Short-lived third party of 1872 that attempted to curb Grant administration corruption

Question: Silver

Answer: Precious metal that “soft-money” advocates demanded by coined again to compensate for the “Crime of ‘73”

Question: Greenback Labor Party

Answer: “Soft-money” third party that polled over a million votes and elected fourteen congressmen in 1878 by advocating inflation

Question: Gilded Age

Answer: Mark Twain’s sarcastic name for the post-Civil War era, which emphasized its atmosphere of greed and corruption

Question: Grand Army of the Republic

Answer: Civil War Union veterans’ organization that became a potent political bulwark of the Republican party in the late nineteenth century

Question: Stalwarts

Answer: Republican party faction led by Senator Roscoe Conkling that opposed all attempts at civil-service reform

Question: Half-Breeds

Answer: Republican party faction led by Senator James G. Blaine that paid lip service to government reform while still battling for patronage and spoils

Question: Compromise of 1877

Answer: he complex political agreement between Republicans and Democrats that resolved the bitterly disputed election of 1876

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