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Hamlet Is Upset For Two Reasons What Are They

Question: What had Bernardo seen at a prior watch?

Answer: A ghost.

Question: Why does Marcellus think Horatio should speak to the ghost?

Answer: Horatio is the smarter one and knows Latin.

Question: Why does young Fortinbras want to do?

Answer: His father was killed by King Hamlet. He wants to reclaim the land that his father lost to King Hamlet. He wants to fight the King of Denmark and go to war to get them back. He has gathered men from different areas of Norway to help him.

Question: Who do the soldiers/guards want to tell about the ghost?

Answer: Hamlet.

Question: Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand?

Answer: He has written a letter to the King of Norway that he wants Cornelius and Voltimand to deliver. The King of Norway is Fortinbras’s Uncle. He is an old man who doesn’t know what Fortinbras is planning. The King of Norway has the power to stop Fortinbras from going to war.

Question: What does the King tell Hamlet?

Answer: The King tells Hamlet that he should not be so sad that his father died. Life must continue to go on. He also tells him that he does not want him to return to Wittenburg University to study. He wants him to stay in Denmark and to think of him as Hamlet’s father.

Question: Hamlet is upset for two reasons. What are they?

Answer: 1. Hamlet is upset because his father died.

2. Hamlet is also upset because his mother married his Uncle very quickly after his father died, less than a month.

Question: What news does Horatio bring Hamlet?

Answer: That he saw the ghost of his father.

Question: What does Hamlet decide to do after he hears Horatio’s news?

Answer: Hamlet decides to see the ghost and talk to him.

Question: What is Laertes’ advice to Ophelia?

Answer: To stay away from Hamlet. Hamlet will take advantage of her. She should not believe him when he says he loves her. Hamlet will be King of Denmark, he is royalty and she is not.