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Hands Free Headsets Drivers Ed

Question: Driver inattention

Answer: When a driver’s awareness and focus drift from the driving task, it is called

Question: Distractions are caused by a specifiic event

Answer: Driver distraction differs from other driver inattention because

Question: Talking on a cell phone

Answer: An example of a cognitive distraction is

Question: A visual distraction

Answer: A billboard with flashing lights is

Question: A crying child

Answer: ___ is an auditory distraction

Question: A biomechanical distraction

Answer: Pushing buttons to change the radio station is

Question: Stop and stretch, or switch drivers

Answer: ___ when he or she is fatigued

Question: Double

Answer: When a driver’s eyes are away from the driving scene for more than two seconds, the odds of being in a crash or near-crash

Question: Auditory, biomechanical, and cognitive distractions

Answer: Cell phones can produce

Question: Reduce, but do not eliminate, cell phone distractions

Answer: Hands-free headsets