I Hate CBT's

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Harding Cabinet Strengths And Weaknesses

Question: 1. Harding cabinet

Answer: Strengths: Hughes, Hoover, and Mellon did

much for the country

Weaknesses: Ohio gang corrupt; Teapot

Dome scandal tarnished

Harding’s presidency

Question: Automobile

Answer: Strengths: new roads and new businesses

came about; ended isolation of

rural families; led to urban

sprawl; cities grew and prospered

Weaknesses: automobile became a status


Question: Modern Advertising

Answer: Strengths: helped sell goods; brand names

became known

Weaknesses: appealed to people’s wishes to

be young, beautiful, and

wealthy; pushed the idea of

buying on credit

Question: Installment Plan

Answer: Strengths: customers could buy goods and

pay over time

Weaknesses: Americans were spending more

than they had

Question: Indicators of Future Economic Problems

Answer: 1. a growing income gap

between workers and


2. lack of true prosperity in the

mining and railroad

industries and in farming

3. the possibility that buying on

installment was getting out of

hand, and that it represented

a superficial prosperity