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Hartman'S Nursing Assistant Care Workbook Answers Chapter 3

Question: What are six basic human needs?

Answer: Food, water, sleep, comfort, activity, and protection/shelter

Question: What are six psychosocial needs that humans have?

Answer: Love/affection, acceptance by others, safety/security, self-reliance/independence/daily living, contact with others,and success/self-esteem

Question: the ability to engage ins exual activites continues unless

Answer: disease or injury occurs

Question: Residents have the legal right to choose how to

Answer: express their sexuality

Question: Nursing assistants must respect residents’

Answer: sexual orientation

Question: The nursing assistant should always knock and wait for a response before

Answer: entering residents’ rooms

Question: If a nursing assistant encounters a resident being sexually abused,

Answer: he should take the resident to a safe place and then notify the nurse

Question: A loss of independence is

Answer: very difficult for a person to deal with

Question: A nursing assistant should allow a resident to do a task

Answer: independently even if it is easier for the Na to do it.

Question: Activities of daily living (ADLs)

Answer: are personal care tasks a person does every day to care for himself