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Have Fewer Branches Than Astrocytes

Question: The prefix neur- means “nerve.”

The prefix astro- means “star.”

The prefix oligo- means “few.”

The prefix micro- means “small.”

The prefix dendr- means “tree” or “branch.”


Question: Oligodendrocytes have fewer branches than astrocytes.

Astrocytes are star-shaped cells.

Dendrites are branched extensions off of a neuron.

Neuroglia are the supporting cells of the nervous system.

Microglia are small, phagocytic cells in the central nervous system.


Question: The generation of an action potential in a neuron requires the presence what type of membrane channels?

Answer: voltage-gated channels


Answer: Threshold stimulus

Na+ channels open

Na+ influx


Na+ channels close

K+ channels open

K+ efflux



K+ channels close

Question: A resting neuron is an unstimulated neuron that is not presently generating an action potential. The resting membrane potential is the separation of the relative positive and negative charges across the membrane of a cell at rest.

Answer: out side (+) Inside (-)

Question: During an action potential, hyperpolarization is caused by:

Answer: K+ efflux

Question: The channels that open when the axolemma reaches threshold depolarization are the:

Answer: voltage-gated Na ion channels

Question: Choose the figure that represents an inactivated voltage-gated Na ion channel.


Question: Batrachotoxin produced by certain species of frogs is a toxin that permanently opens voltage-gated Na ion channels. The results of exposure to batrachotoxin will be:

Answer: inability to generate action potentials

Question: The relative refractory period is caused by:

Answer: hyperpolarization