How Does Ponyboy Describe Himself
Question: Who is the narrator of the novel?
Answer: Ponyboy
Question: Why does Ponyboy refer to Johnny Cade as “the gang’s pet” and “everyone’s kid brother?”
Answer: He’s the youngest/everyone gets along with him
Question: How old is Ponyboy?
Answer: 14
Question: Name the 2 different groups of teenagers in the novel.
Answer: Socs and Greasers
Question: What is the difference between “tough” and “tuff?”
Answer: Tough - strong/able to endure hardship or pain. Tuff - unfortunate occurance
Question: Why did the Socs beat up Ponyboy on his way home from the movies?
Answer: Because he is a Greaser is an easy target because he is alone/smallest of the Greasers.
Question: Why does Ponyboy have a hard time with his oldest brother Darry?
Answer: Because nothing Ponyboy does is ever good enough for Darry.
Question: How does Ponyboy describe himself as being “different” from the rest of the Greasers?
Answer: He doesn’t believe in fighting unless it is self-defense, and is dreamy and artistic unlike the other Greasers.
Question: Why did “Two-Bit” get his nickname?
Answer: He got his nickname because he always has to get his Two-Bits worth in, and he’s wise/last word
Question: How does Ponyboy feel about Steve and why?
Answer: Ponyboy accepted Steve only because Steve was Sodapop’s best friend. He didn’t like Steve because Steve thought Pony was a tag-along