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How Is Art Used In African Initiation Rituals

Question: What do the artist’s modern art forms and colors represent in the image above?

Answer: movement and change, not only in her own life, but in the life of the African people

Question: Where is the artist of the painting above originally from?

Answer: Ethiopia

Question: How is death viewed in African culture?

Answer: a transition process in which loved ones go from one world to the next

Question: What do the patterns on the wall panels seen above symbolize?

Answer: The potential and vigor of the person being initiated.

Question: What do individuals from the Ivory Coast believe about the spirit world?

Answer: Everyone existed previously in a spirit world, thus some people have “spirit spouses.”

Question: In the bwami system of the Lega people, what did the masks do?

Answer: The masks linked the spiritual and human worlds together.

Question: What material was often used in African art to depict people of power?

Answer: gold

Question: What would be a good occasion to give a biiga doll?

Answer: When a child is born or someone is trying to have a baby.

Question: What African method of demonstrating status can be seen in the image above?

Answer: the dress of the king

Question: How is art used in African initiation rituals?

Answer: . Art is used in the form of masks, dances, and songs to tell traditional stories and present important morals and values.