Ideas Help Start A Revolution Worksheet Answers
Question: Second Continental Congress
Answer: second meeting that convened in May 1775 that approved the Declaration of Independence
Question: Olive Branch Petition
Answer: request sent to King George III for peace to be re-established between Britain and the colonies
Question: Common Sense
Answer: pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, attacking King George III
Question: Thomas Jefferson
Answer: Virginia lawyer, chosen to express committee’s points and writer of the Declaration of Independence
Question: Declaration of Independence
Answer: statement of the reasons for the American colonies break from Great Britain
Question: Patriots
Answer: supporter of independence
Question: Loyalists
Answer: opposed independence and were loyal to the Crown
Question: What is meant by the ‘crown’?
Answer: the king
Question: Who was William Franklin?
Answer: son of Benjamin Franklin
Question: Why did communication between Benjamin and William cease?
Answer: they were on opposite sides, Ben, a patriot; William, a loyalist