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Identify A True Statement About A Compliance Based Culture

Question: Lack of any generally accepted fundamental values for the organization is a clear sign of a “toxic” culture. t/f

Answer: t

Question: Organizations that have a traditional approach to culture can be classified as compliance-based cultures. t/f

Answer: t

Question: Due to diverse employee groups and management styles, the work culture of a large global firm in one country will differ significantly from the work culture of the same firm halfway around the world.t/f

Answer: false, with diverse employee groups and management styles, an individual working for a large global firm in one country will share various aspects of her or his working culture with someone working for the same firm halfway around the world.

Question: Ethically appropriate methods of leadership are central to becoming an ethical leader.t./f

Answer: t

Question: Differing individual perception of culture makes it easier to define the specific culture within an organization. t/f

Answer: f, Defining the specific culture within an organization is not an easy task since it is partially based on each participant’s perception of the culture.

Question: One of the most determinative elements of integration is communication. t/f

Answer: t

Question: Whistle-blowing to external groups is usually preferred over internal mechanisms for reporting wrongdoing.


Answer: false, such as the press and the legal authorities, can be so harmful to both the whistle-blower and to the firm itself, internal mechanisms for reporting wrongdoing are preferable for all concerned.

Question: A values-based culture recognizes that where rules do not apply the firm must rely on the personal integrity of its workforce during decision making. t/f

Answer: t

Question: An ethical environment, or culture, would be one in which employees are expected to act by the rules in spite of unethical conditions.


Answer: false, empowered and expected to act in ethically responsible ways, even when the law does not require it.

Question: “Quietly ethical” executives within the confines of the top management team are likely to be perceived as ethical leaders because they have the support of the top management. t/f

Answer: false, but more distant employees do not know about her or his ethical stance, they are not likely to be perceived as an ethical leader.