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In The First Six Months Infants Show The Emotions Of

Question: Emotion and infants

Answer: Feeling, or affect, that occurs when a person is in a state or interaction that is important to them

Important roles of infants:

  1. communication to others

  2. 2. behavioral organization

  3. Question: 1st Six months of infant emotions:

  4. Answer: Surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust

  5. Question: 2nd Six months of infant emotions:

  6. Answer: Jealousy, empathy, embarrassment, pride, shame, and guilt

  7. - sometimes it is thought that these emotions do not make themselves known until after the first year

  8. Question: Reciprocal/ Synchronous emotions

  9. Answer: Mutually regulated emotions between the parent and children

  10. Question: Basic Cry

  11. Answer: A rhythmic pattern usually consisting of a cry, a briefer silence, a shorter inspiratory whistle that is higher pitched than the main cry, and then a brief rest before the next cry

  12. Question: Anger Cry

  13. Answer: A cry similar to the basic cry, with more excess air forced through the vocal cords

  14. Question: Pain Cry

  15. Answer: A sudden outburst of loud crying without preliminary moaning, followed by breath holding

  16. Question: Reflexives smile

  17. Answer: A smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli. It appears during the first month after birth, usually during sleep

  18. Question: Social smile

  19. Answer: A smile in response to an external stimulus, which early in development, typically is a face

  20. Question: Stranger Anxiety

  21. Answer: An infant’s fear and wariness of strangers that typically appears in the second half of the fist year of life.

  22. - most frequent expression of an infant’s fear

  23. - first emerges 6 months in the form of wary reactions

  24. - show less stranger anxiety if infant is in a familiar place