In The Prince Machiavelli Argues That
Question: The Renaissance of Europe
Answer: (1350-1600) began in Italy. Rebirth of learning, science, art, music, literature, and culture. Rediscovery of Ancient Greece and Rome
Question: Italian Renaissance
Answer: 14th- and 15th-century movement influencing political forms, literature, and the arts; consisted largely of a revival of classical culture.
** In Renaissance Italy, most people lived in large cities.( urban communities)
Question: Renaissance man
Answer: a man who excelled in many fields
A person who is successful when it comes to working, and overall universal, knew how to dance, fight, sing, write poetry, and how to create art, and well educated with the classics.,
Question: changes in education during the Renaissance
Answer: increased emphasis on classical curriculum
the influence of humanist ideals
less focused on religion,
the value of liberal arts education,
the revival of Greek and early Roman scholarship in Renaissance education.
Question: Republic
Answer: A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws and certain citizens have the right to vote for these representatives..
Question: Burgher
Answer: A member of the middle class., Merchant class person who lived in a town
Question: City-States of Italy
Question: Leonardo da Vinci
Answer: Italian Renaissance man that was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, engineer,and mathematician.
**Italian Renaissance artist that painted The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.
Question: Niccolò Machiavelli
Question: The Prince by Machiavelli
Answer: A book written by Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat, in 1513 about the imperfect conduct of humans and says how a ruler is able to gain power and manage to keep it disregarding enemies. *** Machiavelli argues that “The ends justify the means.”