In The United States Religion Is Important To
Question: In the United States, religion is important to
Answer: virtually everyone
Question: Childhood really is
Answer: more than biology
Question: A significant sociological point about the life course is that it
Answer: affects your behavior and orientations
Question: An example of a total institution is a
Answer: prison
Question: Alfonzo was in sixth grade. Some of the stories that his teachers told when teaching English, history, and math included lessons in patriotism and honesty, which were part of the school’s
Answer: hidden curriculum
Question: Sociological research has found that children from poor neighborhoods are _____ to get in difficulty with the law, and that parenting is _____ in the poor neighborhoods.
Answer: more likely; more difficult
Question: Individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests make up a
Answer: peer group
Question: The Harlows took baby monkeys away from their mothers to live alone, frightened them, and observed that the babies clung to terrycloth fake mothers rather than wire fake mothers. The experiment intended to prove what might already have been obvious-that infants need to be
Answer: cuddled
Question: Isolated children require _____ to develop.
Answer: language
Question: Psychoanalysis was developed by
Answer: Sigmund Freud